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Author: Ron Graham

Hard to Hear God

Hard to Hear
—but we must listen anyway

There are some things taught in the Bible that are hard sayings and people do find them hard to hear. The truth is not always soft and easy. Sometimes it is hard and difficult. But it still needs to be believed and taught. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

Christ's Retribution When Jesus returns it will be a marvellous day for his saints. All who believed will enter the glory of God’s eternal kingdom. But God’s righteous judgment does not end there. Those who did not obey the gospel and those who afflicted his saints, will be repaid with affliction (2Thessalonians 1:5-10).

One Truth, One Mediator, One RansomPeople will say that there are many great lights in the world. They are the teachers who have given the world great insights. That may be so, but when people count Jesus as one among the many, that is not true. He is the "only Mediator between God and man" (1Timothy 2:4-6).

Jesus is Lord (Acts 2:36)Jesus is not just one of many good teachers, or just one of many great Lights. He is the one Lord and the only sacrifice that can take away sins. No one else will do.

Pillar and Ground (1Timothy 3:15)In the Bible, the church is not a place to be entertained. The church is "the pillar and ground of the truth." We should look to God’s church to hear and receive God’s truth, not psychological hype or human idealism.

Sons of God Clothed with ChristMany will agree with Paul that faith precedes coming into Christ and into sonship with God. It is hard, however, to find anyone who will agree with Paul that baptism precedes being clothed with Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). That is something that people find hard to hear.

James Rebukes ArroganceJames's message is not against doing business, but against the arrogance of thinking you are in control of your life. God is in control, not you. He can allow your business to fail, and even your life to disappear, when you least expect it (James 4:13-17).

Preaching, Preparation, Patience (2Timothy 4:2)Some preach only love, grace, hope, comfort, peace, and suchlike. They preach only what is positive to make people feel good. But we must also reprove and rebuke. We must do so in patience and truth, yet we must do so nevertheless (2Timothy 4:2).

The Hearing of FaithFaith is essential to salvation. But hearing God’s word is essential to faith. You cannot just make up your own personal faith and truth from the thoughts you collect and the opinions you form. God’s word must be conveyed to you from the inspired writings of the apostles of Christ who preached that word. (Romans 10:16-18).

No Other GospelA curse is a bad thing. Nobody wants one. Well then, we had all better test the gospel we preach with the gospel Paul preached. Do we match, or do we differ? (Galatians 1:8-9).

2024 —The following pages are being expanded into individual lessons. These will be listed above as they are completed.

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Webservant Ron Graham

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