A series of lessons discussing the appointment of elders and deacons, looking at these matters from the current Australian perspective. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ INDEX Elders Series —This page is not a Bible study, but provides a detailed index to the series on elders and deacons.
➤ Shepherds Among the Sheep —Introduction to the series on elders and deacons. Includes a table of the scriptural terms for these offices.
➤ Serving a Purpose —A study of God's purpose in governing each church of Christ through the servanthood of elders and deacons.
➤ Working Toward Eldership —This lesson discusses readiness for eldership and the need to pick the apple when it is red.
➤ Submitting to the Elders —A study of the nature of the rule or charge which elders have over the flock and of congregational submission.
➤ Appointment of Elders and Deacons —A study of the appointment to office of elders and deacons in the local congregation. In some people's minds there is a problem in thinking of any position in the church as an official position. So we give considerable attention to whether elders and deacons are appointed as "officers" in the church.
➤ A Plurality of Elders —This lesson argues for a plurality of elders in each congregation of Christians as the divine pattern. The responsibility to shepherd a congregation is given to two or more men jointly.
➤ Qualifications of Elders and Deacons Part 1 —Begins to look at the credentials of elders and deacons, especially that they must be blameless.
➤ Qualifications of Elders and Deacons Part 2 —Looks at elders and deacons as men of character, men of the word, men of maturity.
➤ Faithful Children Part 1 —First of two studies on the qualification for elders and deacons requiring them to have faithful children.
➤ Faithful Children Part 2 —A discussion of the differing views on what the word faithful means in Titus 1:6 regarding faithful or believing children.
➤ The Husband of One Wife —Examinies the qualification that a church shepherd must be the husband of one wife.
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