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You are viewing a list of what's in the series True Grace” which provides 16 lessons addressing doctrines about grace that re-emerged in the second decade of the 21st century. These teachings have been dubbed False Grace. They say that God’s grace allows us to continue in sin.


Author: Ron Graham


True Grace
—Does God’s Grace Allow Sin?

This series of lessons is about the Bible’s teaching on God’s grace. We address doctrines about grace that re-emerged in the second decade of the twenty-first century. These teachings have been dubbed False Grace. They say that God’s grace allows us to continue in sin. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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Grace and RepentanceRepentance means a change of mind. But in what sense and with what results? Some say that a mind change is all God’s grace requires for repentance. We are not required to change our lives. We don't need to turn from sin. That's wrong. Several things go along with true repentance, and it cannot do without them. God’s grace, in granting repentance, requires these things.

Grace and Grace AloneYou may hear it said that a person is saved by grace and grace alone, grace and nothing else.. Or you may hear the principle of grace alone implied in statements such as, “I had absolutely nothing to do with my own salvation!”. Or maybe, “There is nothing you can do to be saved. There is no human part to salvation.” Is this true?

Grace and the LeperThe story of Naaman the leper, in 2Kings chapter 5, has some important lessons for us about God’s grace: Grace cannot be dictated; grace cannot be repaid; grace must be obeyed. If we contradict any of those principles we don't understand true grace.

Grace and the CrossIt is said that our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross was a finished work of grace; therefore no work on our part is necessary for salvation. Grace alone saves us, by our Lord’s work alone. Is this true?

Grace and PentecostOn the day of Pentecost, many were saved. However, many were unsaved also. What necessary things did the unsaved fail to do that caused them to miss out on salvation that day? (Acts chapter 2).

Grace and NoahNoah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He and his family were saved by grace from the flood that killed everyone else. Was there anything about Noah that caused God to choose him for grace? (Genesis chapters 6-9).

Grace and the PassoverThe first Passover just before the Exodus from Egypt, shows us that salvation is not by grace alone, but by grace and blood, and a covenant, and the obedience of faith.

Grace and VirtueRead this lesson to discover three kinds of grace, and the relationship between grace and virtue. This lesson does not support the “grace only” doctrine.

Grace and the Great CommissionGrace is behind Christ’s command to go into all the world proclaiming the gospel. But what if nobody goes? Or what if nobody wants to listen? What if nobody obeys? Do this thought experiment.

Grace and Human FleshHow does the use of the human body relate to God’s grace? Our bodies generally don't have a very good name in Christian theology. In fact, some belief systems view deeds of the human body as providing no access into the grace of God. The Bible does not take that view when it relates the grace of God to acts of human flesh.

Grace and the EthiopianIn this lesson we consider the Biblical account of the travelling Ethopian, to whom Philip preached about Jesus. He was saved by grace. We can learn a lot from the way he responded to God's grace.

Grace and PrayerIn this lesson we link salvation by grace with salvation through prayer. In evangelical meetings it is usual for sinners to be told to pray the “sinner’s prayer” to be saved. This raises some important questions about the belief that salvation is by grace alone.

Grace and All PeopleIn 1st Timothy 4:10 Paul says, "...We trust in the living God who is the Saviour of all people, especially those who have faith". Does this mean that God’s grace makes faith unnecessary for salvation? Does it mean that everyone will be saved and no soul shall be lost?

Grace and PowerA perspective on grace and power: the Messiah is mighty in government and law, majestic in glory and light, merciful in grace and love.

Grace and WrathRomans 5:8-9. Sinners are saved by God’s love, saved from God’s wrath, but what makes this salvation possible? A sacrifice of blood: the blood of Christ who died for sinners.

Grace and RighteousnessWe should all keep in mind such important things as the promises of God, our faith in Christ, and God’s grace toward us. But we should also keep in mind that these have strong connections to other important things like God’s commandments, our obedience, and our righteousness.


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