A collection of lessons dealing with miracles, miraculous signs and powers, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ Miracles of Jesus —Jesus of Nazareth wrought many miracles, each one showing him to be the true Son of God from Heaven.
➤ Miracles at Calvary —Three miracles attended the death of Jesus Christ. We think about these miracles and relate them to prophecies.
➤ Real Miracles —When we consider the miracles of the Bible, we realize that the "miracle" workers of today fall far short of the Biblical standard.
➤ Miracles and Prayer —Prayer is a supernatural blessing that has always been in the world for all who care to use it.
➤ CHART The Holy Spirit and Miracles —Chart showing three works of the Holy Spirit, namely the baptism, miraculous gifts, and indwelling of the Spirit.
➤ The Baptism of the Holy Spirit —This outline deals with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, one of the works of the Holy Spirit.
➤ Various Miraculous Gifts —This outline deals with the distribution of various miraculous spiritual gifts, another work of the Holy Spirit.
➤ The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit —Does the Holy Spirit dwell in the Christian? If so, how and why?
➤ Signs Following —Tract about the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, who received them and why.
➤ Speaking in Tongues —Distinguishing xenoglossia from glossolalia. Biblical "speaking in tongues" is not what some folk believe it to be.
➤ Have Miraculous Gifts Ceased? —Paul says that spiritual gifts would cease (1 Corinthians 13:8). The question is, when was that cessation to be? Some say at the second coming, others say when the apostles were all dead and the scriptures were complete. Who is right?
➤ The Part and the Perfect —Special spiritual gifts were given to the early church until the complete revelation from Christ was written down in the inspired writings of the New Testament. In our lesson below, we take careful note of how Paul speaks of spiritual gifts as being “in part” and looks forward to the revelation being “complete” or “perfect”.
➤ Simon the Sorcerer —He was one of the great sorcery masters of all time, but he was no match for Jesus.
➤ Food for Thought —Each of these three Biblical miracles involves a small amount of food. Each of these miracles also makes us think.
➤ I'm a Skeptic —Why I’m a skeptic about the claims people make to possessing miraculous gifts of healing, prophecy, tongues, and so forth.
➤ Is Medicine Magic? —Is medicine, including the use of modern drugs, linked to sorcery or magic arts? Is the physician an agent of the Devil?
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