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You are viewing a list of what's in the series Remember” which provides 11 lessons to help us recall, and remain faithful to, the basic principles of our faith and religion.


Author: Ron Graham


—Remaining faithful to Christ

A set of lessons to help us recall, and remain faithful to, the basic principles of our faith and religion. This is the only series on that is not entirely my own original work. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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A Wayward Son RemembersWe begin a series of Bible studies called "Remember". The idea behind this series comes from something that Peter said... "I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things... to stir up your pure minds to remembrance" (2Peter 1:12-14).

Some Things God Wants Us to RememberFive wonderful things that are true of our Lord Jesus Christ. These five things are stated in Revelation 1:5-7.

Three Things To Remember About GodThis lesson shows us more things that we should always remember, according to the theme, "You shall remember the LORD your God" (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Remember You are a Member"Remember" happens to contain the word "member" and our membership in the church of Christ is something we should never let lapse.

Remember the Danger in DelayThere is always an urgency to deal with sin when it enters our lives. There is extreme danger in delay, and this we must never forget.

Remembering God and EnduringSome people never forget God or depart from him, but endure to the end. Others do forget God and fall away. This lesson gives some Bible examples of people who remembered and people who forgot.

How the Hebrew Christians ForgotA lesson from the warnings in the letter to the Hebrews. We notice five things which the Hebrew Christians forgot.

Remember to Seek God's Kingdom FirstThe Lord warns us that we should not let ourselves be turned aside by the needs of the body, but always keep the needs of the soul at the top of our priorities.

Do This in Remembrance of MeIn this Bible study series called "Remember" it is appropriate that we include a lesson about the memorial Supper which Jesus instituted. This is a chart lesson based on 1Corinthians 11:20-34.

CHART Don't Forget to PrayOur Remember series would not be complete without a lesson about remembering to pray. An acrostic chart on PRAYER.

Don't You Remember?Jesus asked his disciples if they remembered how many baskets full of scraps were left after he had fed the 5000 with five loaves, and the 4000 with seven loaves. They remembered the facts but they neither perceived nor understood the deep meaning and implications of the signs (Mark 8, John 6).

The Idea for This Series

The idea behind this series comes from something that Peter said:

“I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, even though you know them, and have been established in the truth present with you. And I consider it right, so long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir up your pure minds to remembrance” (2Peter 1:12-14).

Acknowledgement. The first eight lessons of this series are not entirely my original work. They are adaptations of a set of lessons originally sent to me from the USA. Over the years, I lost the name of the author, but it would appear to be Mark Posey. I have also lost the original lessons, so how much is his work and how much is mine, I cannot “remember”. I just know the lessons grabbed me, and they have helped me, and others to whom I have taught them, never to forget how God has blessed us, and never to leave the path he has revealed to us in his word.


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Copyright © Ron Graham 2001