This section houses old articles written for the Australian national magazine Truth in Love of which I was a staff member circa 1960. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ A Story of Great Wonder —We sing, "The old old story, it is ever new." What makes the ancient story of the cross ever new? Wonder does.
➤ Necessity is Laid Upon Me —Paul was committed with the dispensing of the gospel. He had a commission: go preach the gospel. Woe to him if he did not!
➤ Four Things To Say (1Peter 3:18-22) —Peter has four important things to say about baptism.
➤ Seeking the Lost Christ —There were crowds on the road from Jerusalem after Passover. Mary and Joseph were among the travellers, but they couldn't find their boy Jesus.
➤ Preaching the Gospel —The city's plan for highway development, or the State's hydro-electric scheme will not work without workers. It is like that with God’s plan of redemption.
➤ The Hinderers —It is a very serious thing to be a hinderer of any good cause, let alone to hinder the gospel of Christ.
➤ The Missing Security —A storm made the sea into moving mountains, the wind and the waves met in battle. There was consternation among the disciples of Jesus as the wind shook their frail craft and the waves began to fill it.
➤ The Way Back (1) —In the Bible, we read of 'the Way,' but in common speech it may be called, 'the Way back' for the Bible Way is the Way back to God. Yet people in this world will not admit their sinfulness; they are self‑righteous, thinking they are good enough to get into heaven.
➤ The Way Back (2) —To be saved, sinners must go further on the Way of Salvation than Faith. Peter said: 'Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38). /dindexTruth.htm
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