These puzzles let you fill in and confirm your answer or get a little help. You just press or click on a square to see the letter that should be there. You can also display all answers with the answer button.
➤ Crossword 1 —This puzzle has 26 words. One of the clues is “Nicodemus came then (John 3:1-2).”
➤ Crossword 2 —This is a 27-word puzzle. One of the clues is: “People look at the ------- appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart (1Samuel 16:7).”
➤ Crossword 3 —There are 28 words in this puzzle. The clue to one of the shorter words is “Peter didn't want to (Acts 11:7-8).”
➤ Crossword 4 —This puzzle has 23 words to solve. One of its clues is, “Assurance of hope (Hebrews 11:1).”
➤ Crossword 5 —There are 25 words to this puzzle. A sample clue is: One did, nine didn't (Luke 17:11-19)
➤ Crossword 6 —This 27-word puzzle has, as one of its clues, “Worshiped the ----- (Revelation 13:4).”
➤ Crossword 7 —A 23-word puzzle. One of the clues is, “Idols have these but they can't use them (Psalm 115:4-8)”.
➤ Crossword 8 —This puzzle has 33 words, and one of the clues is, “Death on a ---- horse (Revelation 6:8)”.
➤ Crossword 9 —This puzzle has 19 words, and one of the clues is, “Island southwest of Miletus (Acts 21:1)”.
➤ Crossword 10 —This puzzle of 27 words has, as one of its clues: “God’s word is the Spirit’s ----- (Ephesians 6:17).”
➤ Crossword 11 —This puzzle has 24 words to find. One of its clues is: “Six on giant’s foot (2Samuel 21:20).”
➤ Crossword 12 —This puzzle has 32 words. One of its clues is: “The ----- of sin is death (Romans 6:23).”
➤ Crossword 13 —A 29-word puzzle. One of its clues is: “Joseph sent these to Jacob for transport (Genesis 45:27).”
➤ Crossword 14 —A 29-word puzzle. One of its clues is: “He being dead still speaks (Hebrews 11:4).”
➤ Crossword 15 —A 30-word puzzle. One clue to this puzzle is: “Prodigal son and father had one (Luke 15:20).”
➤ Crossword 16 —A 23-word puzzle. One of the clues in this puzzle is “Life is more than food, and the body more than ------- (Luke 12:23).”
➤ Crossword 17 —A 25-word puzzle. The puzzle includes this clue: “speak as the ------- of God. (1Peter 4:11).”
➤ Crossword 18 —A 31-word puzzle. The puzzle includes this clue: “System of faith, good deeds, and worship (James 1:27).”
➤ Crossword 19 —A 28-word puzzle. The puzzle includes this clue: “26A. In a good relationship with God (Matthew 5:2-12).”
➤ Crossword 20 —A 26-word puzzle. The puzzle includes this clue: “24A. What word describes one who says, “There is no God” (Psalm 14:1).”? /dindexXWord.htm
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