This selection of lessons is about eternal life. This old world passes away, but Jesus has prepared a bright new world in heaven, a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
➤ Daily Life, Eternal Life —Daily life makes it hard for us to relate to eternal life. Life on earth can crowd our love for truth, faith in Christ, and hope of Heaven.
➤ Do We Already Have Eternal Life? —Christians already have been given eternal life, however it has not yet begun. We explain.
➤ States of the Soul —Studying the scriptures, we become aware that there are seven possible states in which the human soul can exist. Three of these belong to our sojourn in this life. The other four belong to the journey beyond this life.
➤ This Age and the Age to Come —The New Testament sometimes compares or links “this age” with “the age to come”. It's important to discover what is meant by these terms.
➤ All Things Made New (Revelation 21:1-8) —This old world passes away, but Jesus has prepared a bright new world in heaven: a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
➤ The Heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:9-27) —A vision of the glorious city that John had seen come down from heaven into the new heavens and the new earth. This jewelled city of light is the climax of the book of Revelation.
➤ The Heavenly Eden (Revelation 22:1-2) —At the end of the Bible there is a counterpart to the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the Bible. This new Eden is the final vision that John saw.
➤ Beautiful Life Unending —Christ gives you the promise of life everlasting (1John 2:25). This is God’s promise to everyone who tries hard to obey the commandments attached to this promise. God makes a promise in the Bible, that the blood of Jesus Christ takes away the sins of those who believe in him and follow his word. Such will receive beautiful life unending (1John 1:7, 5:11-13). /dthread-eternal-life.htm
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