You are viewing fact sheet 24 in the series “Bible Lists” which provides 48 simple lists —no clutter, no padding, just neat, Bible lists useful for study and research.
The Bible introduces Adam in the early chapters of Genesis.
Adam was the first human being. He was created by God from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7).
God took a bone from Adam’s body and from it made the second human being, the first "woman", a companion with Adam (Genesis 2:21-23).
Adan named his wife "Eve" because she was the mother of all the living —meaning all subsequently conceived human life (Genesis 3:20, 4:1).
Adam's Sin
Adam was not the first to sin on earth. The serpent was the first. He decieved Eve and she was the second to sin (2Corinthians 11:3;1Timothy 2:14;Genesis 3:1-13;Revelation 12:9).
Adam was not deceived but he ate the forbidden fruit anyway (Genesis 3:6).
Adam's Death
God said that Adam and Eve would "surely die" the day they ate of the forbidden fruit. Yet Adam lived hundreds of years (Genesis 2:17, 5:5).
The death that Adam and Eve died, on the day they sinned, was spiritual death, the loss of eternal life (cf Romans 7:9-10;Ephesians 2:1;Colossians 2:13).
Adam could have been like Enoch whom God took from earth so that Enoch would not see death because he pleased God (Hebrews 11:5;Genesis 5:21-24).
Adam's Guilt
Adam was condemned for Adam's sin. He was not condemned for anyone else's. He was guilty only for what he himself did wrong (Genesis 3:14-19).
Adam brought sin and death into the world (Romans 5:12,18).
Adam did not pass on his guilt to his progeny. They are condemned for their own sins (Ezekiel 18).
Adam deprived his children of a fortunate legacy and left them a bleak future, as many other sinful men have done (examples 2Chronicles 36:11-21,Deuteronomy 5:8-10).
Adam's Antitype
In the Bible, Adam is seen as an inverted type or symbol of Jesus Christ (1Corinthians 15:21-22,47-49;Romans 5:12,18-19).
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