You are viewing lesson 15 in the series “Times of Israel” which provides 61 pages that give you a comprehensive overview of the Biblical history of Israel. The main events of Bible times, the great empires, Bible characters, and the books of the Bible, are all put into a framework that is easily understood and memorised.
Time ~ 2. Bondage in Egypt Books ~ Genesis Figures ~ Joseph Begins with ~ Jacob’s family settling in Egypt Ends with ~ Exodus from Egypt across Red Sea
Moses is the link between the times of bondage in Egypt and wandering in the wilderness. God raised him up to lead the people to freedom and the promised land.
Moses was born under an edict by the Pharaoh that he (and all Israelite male babies) be killed. By God's providence he escaped death and was brought up in the Pharaoh's palace.
1 God Calls Moses
Moses killed a cruel Egyptian task master, and had to run away.
Later in life, God commissioned Moses to release his people from their enslavement.
Moses confronted Pharaoh, and with the aid of the miraculous ten plagues, eventually got Pharaoh to let the people go free.
He took them across the Red Sea as they made exodus from Egypt.
After that, he led them through forty years of wandering in the wilderness.
A brief account of the story of Moses is provided in Acts 7:17-42, part of the speech made by Stephen.
2 Bible Summary (Exodus 1-14)
Descendants of Israel made slaves in Egypt (1)
Pharaoh commands the killing at birth of Israelite males (1)
Birth of Moses (2)
Moses found in the reeds by Pharaoh's daughter (2)
Moses kills an Egyptian and flees (2)
God is aware of the suffering of the Israelites (2)
God commissions Moses -at the burning bush (3)
Aaron appointed as spokesman for Moses (4)
Moses given miraculous powers (4)
Moses threatened by God because son uncircumcised (4)
Moses demands of Pharaoh, "Let my people go!" (5)
Pharaoh refuses; unfairly increases work of slaves (5)
God reassures Moses (6)
Genealogy of Moses and Aaron (6)
Moses' staff turns into a snake for Pharaoh (7)
The Ten Plagues (7-11) 1 Water to blood (7), 2 Frogs (8), 3 Lice (8), 4 Insect swarms (8), 5 Livestock die (9), 6 Boils (9), 7 Hailstorm (9), 8 Locusts (10), 9 Thick darkness (10), 10 Death of firstborn (11)
Passover instituted before last plague strikes (12)
Pharaoh lets the people go (12)
More about the Passover ordinances (12-13)
God leads the people out of Egypt (13)
The Exodus - crossing the Red Sea (14)
3 Moses’s Faith and Values
Behind the story of Moses is the faith that he showed in God by his willingness to forsake his life in Egypt and suffer affliction with the people of God instead.
He showed great courage in opposing Pharaoh. Moses made mistakes, but he did believe that treasure in heaven is far more desirable than treasure on earth (Hebrews 11:23-29).
He chose to suffer affliction rather than enjoy the passing pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25).
He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasure in Egypt (Hebrews 11:26).
He looked to the invisible God for courage rather than fearing the wrath of the Pharaoh behind him (Hebrews 11:27).
He was very humble and took the place of a servant in God's household (Hebrews 3:2-6,Numbers 12:1-9).
He tried to keep to the exacting standards that God imposed on him (Exodus 17:1-7,Numbers 20:1-13).
4 Moses’s relatives
Moses was...
Son of of Levite parents
Brother of Aaron and Miriam
Husband of Zipporah
Son in law of Jethro priest of Midian
Father of Nadab and Abihu
(the priests whom God killed with fire)
5 Moses’s Further Adventure
In the wilderness, after the Exodus, Moses...
Received the Law at Mt Sinai (Exodus 20-35)
Set up the Tabernacle (Exodus 35-40)
Preached in Moab (Book of Deuteronomy)
Saw promised land from a distance (Deuteronomy 34)
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