

You are viewing page 9 in the series Bible Quizes and Puzzles” which provides 16 pages for your learning and enjoyment.


Author: Ron Graham

Quizzes and Puzzles

Bible Quiz
—Set 9

Here's a quiz for you. Press the Show answer button —the answer will appear in its place.

1. Which king was only seven when he began to reign? (2Kings 11:21)

2. What does Colossians 2:3 say is hidden in Christ?

3. According to 1Corinthians 9:14, what did the Lord direct concerning gospel preachers?

4. Which king of Israel was a woman (a queen)? (2Kings 11:1-3)

5. What does 1Corinthians 15:58 say about our toil in the Lord?

6. In 2Kings 20:8-11, which king saw a shadow shifting backwards?

7. What does Deuteronomy 23:24-25 say about a Jew pinching grapes from another man's vineyard?

8. On the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1:14) what did God cause to appear in the sky?

9. In Matthew 25:46, two things are said to be eternal. What two things?

10. 1Kings 16:15-16 tells of a man who killed the king of Israel and reigned only seven days. Who was he?

11. According to 2Thessalonians 2:10, what is the object of love, and why?

12. According to 1Corinthians 15:50, what cannot inherit the kingdom of God?

13. Name the silversmith who, in Ephesus, organised a protest that almost turned into a riot. (Acts 19:24)

14. What does 1Timothy 5:20 prescribe to be done to church members who insist on remaining in sin?

15. In Matthew 16:16, Jesus asked Peter, 'Who do you say that I am?' What did Peter reply?

16. In John 15:6, everyone in Christ is likened to a branch in the vine. What happens to a branch that does not abide in the vine?

17. According to John 17:15-16, we are in it, but not of it. What is it?

18. Name the king who was 'weighed in the balances and found wanting'. (Daniel 5:1,27)

19. 1John 3:2 mentions something that has not yet been revealed. What is it?

20. According to 1Corinthians 15:25-26, what is the last enemy that Christ will destroy?

21. As recorded in Acts 20:35, who said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'?

22. According to 1Corinthians 11:32, what is the present purpose of judgment?

23. Tell who said, in John 19:19-22, 'What I have written, I have written!'

24. In Acts 2:38-39 the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit is promised to many. How many?

25. Genesis 11:1,9 tells us that humanity lost something in ancient Babylon. What was it?

26. According to James 5:4, what has reached the ears of the Lord of hosts?

27. According to James 5:7, how long are we to be patient in our trials?

28. Acts 19:11-12 mentions handkerchiefs. In what connection?

29. According to Acts 24:24-25, what did Paul discuss with Felix and Drusilla?

30. 1Peter 2:2 mentions milk. In what connection?

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