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You are viewing page 29 in the series Acts Facts” which provides 74 pages in a study of the book of Acts. We look in alphabetical order at all the places mentioned in Acts, with maps and notes about what happened at each place. Then we have verse-by-verse studies of the whole book of Acts.


Author: Ron Graham

Book of Acts

Acts 4:23-37
—Verse by verse

A verse by verse study of Acts 4:23-37, which describes the disciples’ prayer and encouragement after Peter and John’s release from custody.

The disciples’ encouraged after Peter and John’s release

Acts 4:23-31

¶“23After their release, they went to their own, and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. 24aUpon hearing Peter and John’s report, the people raised their voice to God with one accord.” (Acts 4:23-24a).

¶“24bThey prayed, 'O Master, you are God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them. 25By the mouth of your servant David you said, Why do the nations rage and the people imagine vain things? 26The kings of the earth took their stand the rulers gathered against the Lord, and against his Christ.' ” (Acts 4:24b-26).

¶“27'For truly in this city, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the nations and the people of Israel, were gathered to oppose your holy servant Jesus whom you anointed. 28They did whatever your hand your counsel predetermined should happen.' ” (Acts 4:27-28).

¶“29'Now Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word very boldly. 30Stretch out your hand to heal; may signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.' 31When they had prayed, their gathering place was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit; and they boldly spoke the word of God.” (Acts 4:29-31).

1 The Disciples Wait

Verse 23

¶ "After their release, they went to their own, and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them." (Acts 4:23).

2 The Disciples Pray

Verses 24-26

¶ "Upon hearing Peter and John’s report, the people raised their voice to God with one accord. They prayed, 'O Master, you are God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them. By the mouth of your servant David you said, Why do the nations rage and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth took their stand the rulers gathered against the Lord, and against his Christ.' " (Acts 4:24-26).

Verses 27-28

¶ " 'For truly in this city, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the nations and the people of Israel, were gathered against your holy servant Jesus whom you anointed. They did whatever your hand your counsel predetermined should happen.' " (Acts 4:27-28).

Verses 29-30

¶ " 'Now Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word very boldly. Stretch out your hand to heal; may signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.' " (Acts 4:29-30).

Verse 31

¶ "When they had prayed, their gathering place was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit; and they boldly spoke the word of God." (Acts 4:31).

Acts 4:32-37

¶“32The multitude of believers was of one heart and soul. None of them said of their properties, 'This is my own'. Rather, they shared everything. 33With great power, the apostles testified of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Great grace was on them all.” (Acts 4:32-33).

¶“34Neither did anyone among them lack, for all who owned land or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds, 35and laid them at the apostles’ feet. Distribution was made as anyone had need. 36For instance there was Joses, whom the apostles called Barnabas which means Son of Encouragement. He was a Levite, born in Cyprus. 37He owned a field; sold it; brought the money; and laid it at the apostles’ feet.” (Acts 4:34-37).

3 The Disciples Share

Verses 32-33

¶ "The multitude of believers was of one heart and soul. None of them said of their properties, 'This is my own'. Rather, they shared everything. With great power, the apostles testified of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Great grace was on them all." (Acts 4:32-33).

Verses 34-37

¶ "Neither did anyone among them lack, for all who owned land or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds, and laid them at the apostles’ feet. Distribution was made as anyone had need. For instance there was Joses, whom the apostles called Barnabas which means Son of Encouragement. He was a Levite, born in Cyprus. He owned a field; sold it; brought the money; and laid it at the apostles’ feet." (Acts 4:34-37).

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