You are viewing page 8 in the series “Training to Teach and Preach” which provides 24 pages and fact sheets that concisely summarise the techniques of lesson preparation and presentation. This course is simple to apply and surprisingly effective.
3. Be prepared to present this reading in class. There will be no criticism. The point will simply be to show that applying the tips makes you do a better job.
4. Take the quiz below to review previous lessons.
Questions for Review
1. What is the main physical cause of pulpit nerves? (A) Your adrenal glands, (B) Your mental attitude, (C) Insufficient food.
2. What can you do beforehand to help prevent pulpit nerves? (A) Prepare thoroughly, (B) Don’t think about it, (C) Memorize everything".
3. What sort of experience will help you gain confidence and shake off the shakes? (A) It has to be real experience, (B) It can be imagined/visualized, (C) Experience doesn’t help.
4. What should you give most attention to when you are in the pulpit?? (A) Audience response, (B) Your own performance, (C) Your message.
5. What is the best thing to do while you are speaking? (A) Stand still as a statue, (B) Move and speak energetically, (C) Look out of the window.
6. How long is the model prayer that Jesus gave his disciples? (A) 30-40 seconds, (B) 3 minutes, (C) 10 minutes.
7. What should a public prayer avoid? (A) Preaching, (B) Mentioning private matters, (C) Wordy, meaningless phrases, (D) Mixing old and modern style, (E) Mumbling and stumbling, (F) All of the above.
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