You are viewing page 20 in the series “Training to Teach and Preach” which provides 24 pages and fact sheets that concisely summarise the techniques of lesson preparation and presentation. This course is simple to apply and surprisingly effective.
The test and assignment below belong to the training series "Success in the Pulpit".
1. Choose one of these general topics: faith, love, sin, worship, obedience, righteousness.
2. Now find a specific topic for a list related to the general theme you chose. (For example if you chose love, you might select goals as your specific topic. Thus you would make your lesson on "The Great Goals of Love". This is an interesting topic to develop, but don’t use it for this exercise.)
3. Based on your choices above, make a title for a lesson, and write beneath it a short list of points
4. Take the quiz below to review previous lessons.
Questions for Review
1. Prayer, hymns, Lord’s Supper, Offering, Teaching. Is that a list, and if so why? (A) It’s not a list, (B) Yes, because the items are common activities of Christians gathered on the Lord’s Day, (C) Yes because there are 5 items.
2. Persecution, illness, bereavement, unemployment. What extra item could you add to this list? (A) Prayer, (B) Second coming, (C) Loneliness.
3. Birth, ministry, burial, death, resurrection, ascension. What theme would make that into a list? (A) Heaven, (B) Jesus Christ, (C) Love one another, (D) Guilt.
4. Birth, ministry, death, burial, resurrection, ascension. In what order would you present the points on this same list? (A) Chronological (time) order, (B) Alphabetical order, (C) Order of importance.
5. Revelation, preaching, faith, obedience. What theme or topic would be appropriate for this list? (A) The word of Christ, (B) Angels and demons, (C) The Lord’s Supper, (D) Repentance.
6. What specific theme below would best suit the general topic of sin? (A) Consequences, (B) Benefits, (C) Priorities.
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