Here's a Bible study quiz for you on Ephesians chapter 3. The Bible questions are generally not trivia. Rather they help you to learn the message of the scripture.
For multiple choice questions, find the BEST answer. For other questions, if your answer is worded differently, but has the same meaning, then it is correct. A verse number or note with the answer is for your information. It is not required in your answer.
1. In verse 1, how did Paul regard himself with reference to his imprisonment?
2. For whose sake mainly did Paul preach, even though it caused him to suffer chains? (Verse 1).
3. According to verse 2, how did Paul regard his ministry?
4. Where did Paul get his doctrine from? (Verse 3).
What did Paul say was revealed to him? (Verses 3-4).
6. Is it too deep or difficult for people to understand the mystery of Christ? (Verse 4).
7. Was the mystery made known in other ages? (Verse 5,9).
8. Who revealed the mystery and to whom? (Verse 5).
9. What was the mystery? (Verse 6)
10. Did Paul consider himself worthy of the ministry he was given? (Verses 7-8).
11. What other expression did Paul use for the 'mystery' of Christ? (Verses 8-9).
12. Paul uses yet another expression for the mystery revealed in the gospel. What is it? (Verse 10).
13. The apostles and prophets of Christ made known to the world the wisdom which had always been hidden in God. Who else did their preaching inform? (Verse 10).
14. What fundamental thing was accomplished in our Lord Jesus Christ? (Verse 11).
15. What does our faith in Christ give us? (Verse 12).
16. In verse 13, Paul asks the Ephesians not to lose heart. What reason did he give?
17. When Paul prays, he is aware that he is speaking to the Father of whom? (A) Of our Lord Jesus Christ, (B) Of the whole family in heaven and earth, (C) Both of those (Verses 14-15).
18. Who gives the family of God [the church] its name?
19. What resources does God have with which to bless us? (Verse 16).
20. How is the Christian strengthened? (Verse 16).
21. How does Christ dwell in the Christian's heart? (Verse 17).
22. How does the Christian become established? (Verse 17).
23. What knowledge surpasses all the knowledge of the world? (Verses 18-19).
24. How generously does God fill us with understanding, strength, and blessing? (Verse 19-20).
25. What does Paul say is at work in us? (Verse 20).
26. According to verse 21, Who should give glory to God?
27. Did Paul see the church as existing and glorifying God in his generation only? (Verse 21).
28. According to verse 21, by whom is the church made worthy to glorify God?
29. God has infinite riches, power, and glory. What does that make him able to do? (Verses 20,21).
30. What is the last word in the chapter? (Verse 21).
1. He considered himself 'the prisoner of Christ Jesus'. Note: He was in chains because he preached Jesus. He was, as he says, 'an ambassador in chains' (Ephesians 6:20).
2. Paul says, 'For the sake of you Gentiles' (Verse 1).
3. He called it 'The stewardship [or dispensation] of God's grace' (Verse 2).
4. It was made known to him by revelation (Verse 3).
5. The mystery of Christ (Verses 3-4).
6. No. Paul says, 'When you read [what I have written] you will understand my insight into the mystery of Christ' (Verse 4).
7. No. (Verse 5,9).
8. The mystery was revealed by the Holy Spirit to the apostles and prophets of Paul’s time (Verse 5).
9. That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs in the same body [as Jewish Christians] and partakers of Christ's promise in the gospel (Verse 6).
10. No. It was given to him as a gift, by God's grace and power (Verses 7-8).
11. The 'unsearchable riches' of Christ. (Verse 8-9). Note: They were no longer unsearchable or mysterious, because Paul and others were preaching them.
12. 'The manifold wisdom of God' (Verse 10).
13. Principalities and powers in the heavenly realms (Verse 10). Note Paul mentions the heavenly realms five times in Ephesians 1:3, 1:20, 2:6, 3:10, 6:12).
14. The eternal purpose of God (Verse 11).
15. Boldness and access [to God] with confidence (Verse 12).
16. Paul's tribulations were their glory (Verse 13). Note If Paul had failed to preach because of the trouble it caused him, the Ephesians would have no hope of eternal glory.
17. (C) Both of those (Verses 14-15).
18. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Verse 15). Note the family of God is the 'one body' that Paul writes about.
19. 'The riches of his glory' (Verse 16).
20. 'Strengthened with might through his Spirit in the inner man' (Verse 16). Note. Paul believed that the Holy Spirir dwells in the Christian (2Timothy 1:14).
21. Through our faith (Verse 17).
22. 'Being rooted and grounded in love' (Verse 17).
23. To know the love of Christ. (Verses 18-19). Note: This knowledge extends wider, longer, deeper and higher than earthly knowledge.
24. We are 'filled with all the fullness of God' (Verse 19-20). Note: Of course this does not mean that we become God. However God gives to us 'exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.'
25. The power [of God] (Verse 20).
26. The church (Verse 21). Note: The church is the body of God's called out people. They are called to live in a way that makes people see God's goodness.
27. No. He expected it to be for 'all generations for ever and ever' (Verse 21). Note the church is the one body or family of God. It is eternal.
28. 'By Christ Jesus' (Verse 21).
29. 'To do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think' (Verses 20,21).
30. Amen (Verse 21). Amen means that what has been said is genuine and true. /f79c-ephesians-chapter-3-quiz.htm
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