

You are viewing lesson 16 in the series Study of Ephesians” which provides 18 lessons going through the letter a few verses at a time. The translation and comments are easy to understand. The last six lessons are in the form of quizzes.


Author: Ron Graham


Quiz on Ephesians
—Chapter 4

Here's a Bible study quiz for you on Ephesians chapter 4. The Bible questions are generally not trivia. Rather they help you to learn the message of the scripture.

For multiple choice questions, find the BEST answer. For other questions, if your answer is worded differently, but has the same meaning, then it is correct. A verse number or note with the answer is for your information. It is not required in your answer.

Ephesians chapter 4

1. In verse 1, what does Paul call himself?  

2. In verse 1, what blessing does Paul say is bestowed on the Ephesian Christians? (A) They had a calling from God, (B) They had heavenly riches, (C) They had wisdom from God, (D) They had forgiveness of sins.

3. According to verse 1, what were the Ephesian Christians responsible to do having been called by God?.

4. What four Christian graces does Paul say should be part of the Christian's walk?  (Verse 2).

5. With what Christian endeavour does Paul charge the Ephesian Christians?  (Verse 3).

6. What are the seven "ones" by which Paul defines Christian unity?  (Verses 4-6).

7. (Verses 8-10 ) What two events made Jesus able to liberate sinners? .

8. (Verses 7,11). Paul mentions gifts that Christ gave. What were they?

9. What were the gifts for?  (Verse 12) ;

10. What is the goal of the teaching done through these gifts? (Verse 13).

11. What should the body of Christ aspire to and achieve?  (Verse 13).

12. Were there false and deceitful doctrines being preached in Paul's day?  (Verse 14).

13. In contrast to the false teaching, what do genuine ministers do?  (Verse 15).

14. According to verses 15 and 16, Christians grow into Christ, the Head of the body. The body is united by:  A Truth, (B) Love, (C) Effective working, (D) Every part doing its share, (E) All of the above.

15.  (Verse 16).  How many members of your human body do you wish worked effectively, and how many members of the church does Christ wish would work effectively?

16. (Verses 11-16) What part of the body of Christ needs to work for the body's unity and growth? (A) Only the ministers such as shepherds, deacons, preachers, teachers, (B) Every part, (C)  The false teachers and deceivers, (D) Only the Head.

17. Generally speaking, what characterises the "walk" or way of life of people of the world? (Verses 17,18,19). (A) Futility of mind, (B) Darkened Understanding, (C) Alienation from the life of God, (D) Ignorance, (E) Blindness of heart, (F) Lack of feeling guilt, (G) Immorality and greed, (H) All of the above.

18. As we grow, we learn. However, we cannot learn everything. So what should be at the top of the list?  (Verses 20,21).

19. According to verses 22-24, What were the Ephesian Christians to put off, and what were they to put on?

20. Where does renewal take place?  (Verse 23).

21. Paul contrasts the old and new persons. What characterises each?  (Verse 22,23,24).

22. In Verse 25, what commandment does Paul state as an example of the new man's walk?

23. In Verse 26, what other commandment does Paul state as an example of the new man's walk?

24. Do we have any control over the devil?  (Verse 27)

25. In verse 28 Paul is concerned with what people choose to do with their hands. What two things does he command?

26. There are givers and takers. Which should Christians aim to be? There are needy and greedy. Which should the Christian aim to help?  (Verse 28)

27. What motive or reason does Paul attach to working for money?

28. In verse 29 Paul is concerned with what people choose to do with their mouths. What two things does he command?

29. According to verse 30, there is one who is grieved at corrupt talk. This is the one by whom Christians are 'sealed for the day of redemption'. Who is it?

30. In verses 31-32, there are certain things that should be far from our mouths to utter, and there are things that should hallow our words. List them all.

The Answers

1. “The prisoner of the Lord” Note: Paul was in imprisoned for preaching the gospel of the Lord. He knows the Lord is in control, not the jailors.

2. A. They had a calling from God. Note: They had the other blessings too, but the calling is the blessing mentioned in verse 1

3. To 'walk worthy of the calling.' Note: The 'walk' that Paul refers to is the Christian's progress and manner of life.

4. Humility, gentleness, patience, and love  (Verse 2). Note: Of course there are other graces, for example Galatians 5:22-23).

5. To keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace  (Verse 3).

6. One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all  (Verses 4-6).

7. Firstly he descended into the lower parts of the earth (his death and burial). Secondly he ascended on high (his resurrection and ascension)  (Verses 8,9,10).

8. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers  (Verses 7,11). Note: evangelist means gospel preacher, pastor means shepherd

9. Equipping for ministry, edifying the body of Christ [his church]  (Verse 12). Note:Edifying means building up.

10. Unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God  (Verse 13).

11. 'The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ'  (Verse 13).

12. Yes. There were winds of doctrine preached by trickery and cunning  (Verse 14).

13. Speak the truth in love causing the body of Christ to grow  (Verse 15).

14. E. All of the above  (Verses 15,16).

15. Every member [according to his ability]  (Verse 16).

16. B. Every Part [all members do their fair share] (Verses 11 to 16).

17. H. All of those (Verses 17,18,19).

18. To learn the truth which is in Jesus  (Verses 20,21).

19. They were to put off the old man and put on the new man.  (Verse 22,23,24). Note: Here Paul uses the word 'man' to mean person, whether male or female. The person that used to be dies, and is raised up a new person, a new creation in Christ

20. 'In the spirit of your mind'  (Verse 23).

21. The old person lives according to corruption and deceitful lusts, whereas the new person lives by true righteousness and holiness  (Verse 22,23,24).

22. Put away lying... speak truth with your neighbour.  (Verse 25).

23. 'Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath  (Verse 26). Note: anger is often justified, but it should not last long because one seeks the peace of God.

24. Yes.  We can refuse to give him a place or opportunity  (Verse 27).

25. Do not steal any more. Work with your hands what is good  (Verse 28).

26. Givers to the needy.  (Verse 28).

27. To have something to give to the needy  (Verse 28).

28. Don't let any corrupt word come out of your mouth. Say what will edify and give grace to the hearers.  (Verse 29).

29. The Holy Spirit.>  (Verse 30).

30. Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking, and malice.
Kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness  (Verses 31,32).

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