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Author: Ron Graham


Quiz on the Parables of Jesus
—30 Questions

Here's a Bible study quiz on the parables of Jesus. This quiz complements our lessons on the parables (red tab above).

For multiple choice questions, choose the letter A,B,or C, against the BEST answer. Nothing more than the appropriate letter is required, even though the Show answer button might provide extra information.

1. What is the meaning of the word parable?
(A) A mysterious story,
(B) A familiar idea cast beside an unfamiliar idea to give truth-seekers understanding,
(C) A discourse on two parallel themes.

2. What is represented by the thorns in the parable of the sower?
(A) The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches,
(B) Persecution,
(C) Ailments of the flesh,

3. Which of the following is a common theme in Christ’s parables?
(A) Marriage is for life,
(B) God’s dealings with the Patriarchs,
(C) The kingdom of Heaven, a spiritual kingdom.

4. Which parable tells us to keep on praying and not lose heart?
(A) The persistent widow,
(B) The Pharisee and the tax-gatherer,
(C) The rich man and Lazarus,

5. Viewing life as a path trod, how many paths and destinations are there?
(A) An infinite number,
(B) Two,
(C) Seven,

6. Why were people astonished at the teaching of Jesus?
(A) He spoke with such compassion,
(B) He was a great debater,
(C) He spoke with such authority.

7. What does it mean to "take the log out of your own eye"?
(A) To examine and judge yourself,
(B) To remove your ignorance and be enlightened,
(C) To exorcise an evil spirit of blindness.

8. Which was the superior house?
(A) The one built on the sand,
(B) The one built on the rock,
(C) Neither house was superior.

9. The slave who was forgiven much did something astonishing. What did he do?
(A) Refused to forgive little though he was forgiven much,
(B) Forgave the debt of anone who owed him,
(C) Never got into debt again.

10. In the parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son, what happened when the lost was found?
(A) There was great rejoicing,
(B) The found soon became lost again,
(C) Precautions were taken so what was found should not be lost again,

11. In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep were not lost?
(A) 70,
(B) 99,
(C) 3.

12. What does the parable of the workers in the vineyard illustrate about God?
(A) His fairness,
(B) His grace,
(C) Both of those.

13. The Parable of the Slighted Invitation is about people invited to a dinner. What happened?
(A) Everyone first invited enjoyed the dinner,
(B) Everyone first invited refused to come,
(C) Only one person turned up;.

14. What is illustrated by the parable of the two builders, one wise and one foolish?
(A) God requires people to give heed to his word and to obey it,
(B) When building a house make sure you build on a solid foundation,
(C) A house built on a foundation of sand is uninsurable.

15. What is the message in the parable of the vine and the branches?
(A) Abide in Jesus Christ staying connected to him,
(B) Use prunings to propogate new vines,
(C) The fruit of the vine is sacred.

16. What does the parable of the talents represent and illustrate?
(A) Good stewardship,
(B) Common sense,
(C) Hard work.

17. What is illustrated in the short parable about a pearl of great price?
(A) There is very great value in the kingdom of God,
(B) The hope we have in Christ is worth more than anything else,
(C) Both of the above.

18. The parable about the Good Samaritan shows that...
(A) God recognises justice, mercy, and kindness,
(B) God looks on the heart not the outward person,
(C) Both of the above.

19. The parable of the whitewashed tombs represents...
(A) Purity and holiness,
(B)The Pharisees who looked down upon others and promoted themselves as righteous, yet their own hearts lacked humility, justice, and love,
(C) Outstanding people of wisdom, light, and beauty.

20. What great mistake is manifest in the parable of the the Rich Fool?
(A)Talking to oneself too much,
(B) Not listening to the scriptures that make one wise unto salvation,
(C) Letting worldly riches prevent readiness of one's soul for life after death.

21. The parable of the Foolish Virgins, is about...
(A) The value of virginity,
(B) The pros and cons of oil lamps,
(C)  Failure to respond in faith to God’s kind invitation, and to wisely get ready for the judgment.

22. The parable of the Two Gates show that we must choose now...
(A) one of the many ways to heaven,
(B) one of the two destinations (heaven or Hell) we want to arrive at in eternity.
(C) the biggest gate and the easiest road. .

23. Which of the following parables is in the Bible?
(A)The parable of the shipwreck,
(B)The parable of the dragnet
(C)The parable of the shaggy dog.

24. What did the prodigal son do after he had messed up his life?
(A) He died,
(B) He went back to his loving father,
(C) He asked his brother for a loan.

25. The Parable of the Tares is mainly concerned with the kingdom of God being in the world where there is much evil, and...
(A) it will remain so until the end of the world when the good and the evil will be forever separated,
(B) planet Earth will be cleansed of evil and become a paradise for a thousand years,
(C) the evil will ruin the harvest.

26. I am the door: by me if any man enter in...
(A) he shall be saved,
(B) he shall find pasture,
(C) Both of those.

27. "I am the good shepherd" said Jesus. What did he say next?".
(A) I know My sheep and My sheep know Me,
(B) I lay down my life for the sheep,
(C) Jesus said both of the above.

28. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for...
(A) a believer to endure persecution,
(B) a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God,
(C) a sinner to be born again.

29. The parable of the mustard seed is about...
(A) the growth of the kingdom of God from a very small beginning.
(B) the suitability of the mustard tree for birds,
(C) the curiosity that a tiny seed produces the largest of the herbs.

30. Which of these does NOT appear in our Lord’s parables?
(A) A butterfly,
(B) A vine,
(C) A camel.

The Answers
































Webservant Ron Graham

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