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Author: Ron Graham


Our Right Mental Attitude (1)
—Truths to form our minds (1Peter)

As well as our self image, our set of values, and our world view, there is another piece of personal baggage we each carry in our hearts —our mental attitude.

In this lesson we look at seven true and positive attitudes that every Christian can believe and live by.

When you look at these true and positive statements, they may seem arrogant. Peter says, "Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God" (1Peter 5:6).

Humility is not pessimism. Lacking a positive mental attitude is not being humble. The seven statements below are true. They are not lies, not even exaggerations. If I am a Christian, they are plain truth for me.

A humble person accepts truth. We don't go around trumpeting these statements in the ears of others. We hold them in our hearts and speak them to ourselves under the mighty hand of God to whom we are ever grateful.

1 God Blesses Me in the Fullest Measure

1Peter 1:2

Peter begins his first letter on this positive note: "May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure" (1Peter 1:2).

He begins his second letter in the same way: "His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness" (2Peter 1:3).

Of course, these blessings include "great and precious promises" (2Peter 1:4) of things which we do not experience yet but are "reserved in heaven... ready to be revealed..." (1Peter 1:4-5).

We have already "tasted the kindness of the Lord" (1Peter 2:3) and we look forward to the future glory (1Peter 1:7-9).

Peter gives us this assurance: "You were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing" (1Peter 3:9).

2 My God is Strong, His Word Abides Forever

1Peter 1:25

Peter quotes Isaiah, "The word of the LORD stands forever" (1Peter 1:25, Isaiah 40:8).

This is because our Lord Jesus Christ is strong, eternal, invincible. To him all the "angels and authorities and powers were subjected" (1Peter 3:22).

So we may confidently live and serve "by the strength which God supplies" (1Peter 4:11). We should have faith in this power that works within us. Our God has "dominion forever and ever, Amen" (1Peter 4:11, 1Peter 5:11).

3 I Have Returned to My Shepherd

1Peter 2:25

One of the great positives in the thinking of a Christian is the acknowledgement of a great change for the better. However Christians don't say, “Only I can make this change; no one can do it for me.” That's wrong. Jesus is the One who changes us.

"You were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls" (1Peter 2:25).. We humbly acknowledge that we have handed the charge of our souls over to the Lord.

We've given up straying, and we've come back to Jesus Christ our Guardian. We are safe in his hands now, and he has forgiven us all our past transgressions. We once were lost, but now are found. That's a power thought if ever there was one.


Webservant Ron Graham

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