➤ I AM I Am Who I Am —In the time of Moses, God called himself I AM WHO I AM. And, 2000 years ago, Jesus applied the name I AM to Himself. Today, many in our society appropriate this name for themselves, as seen in the promotion for the Invictus Games.
➤ I Can! I Can! (Philippians)SERIES —Paul’s letter to the Philippians is full of encouragement. The theme is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Series includes two quiz pages.
➤ I Can! YouTube I Can! (1) Philippians —Watch a 30-minute video. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is full of encouragement. The theme of Philippians is, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." We examine what this means. Tap the title next to the arrow to start playing the video on YouTube (simplybible channel).
➤ Iconium Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Iconium. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Idolatry Solomon’s Sin and Sorrow —Factors behind Solomon’s sin and fall from glory: his excess, his disobedience, his neglect, and his several faults.
➤ Idolatry Josiah, Judah’s Good King —The son and grandson of good king Hezekiah made Judah more idolatrous than the pagans who had previously occupied the land. Yet Hezekiah’s great grandson Josiah lived even more righteously than Hezekiah himself.
➤ If Unconditional Election —Has God unconditionally chosen or elected some people for eternal life, whilst passing others by?
➤ If If We Sin Wilfully —We are going to examine seven portions of scripture that show we Christians, although certainly secure, nurtured, and protected, will not remain so unless we respond to God’s grace and diligently fulfill his conditions according to his purpose for us.
➤ Ignorance Sinning in Ignorance —If you do something wrong, thinking it right; or something right, thinking it wrong; are you guilty?
➤ Ignorance Ignorance and Innocence —How does God view sins committed in ignorance? Does he deem a person innocent who sins without realising it?
➤ Ignorance Knowledge and Ignorance: Learn Christ or Know Nothing —You can know God and his will for you, or you can be ignorant of the truth about God. Is your heart in a state of knowledge or ignorance? That's a question of absolute first importance.
➤ Ignorant Not Ignorant of His Devices (2Corinthians 2:11) —A lesson about three devices or schemes that Satan uses so as to get an advantage over us. We shouldn't be ignorant of these devices.
➤ Illyricum Acts Facts —What the book of Acts tells us happened in Illyricum. Includes a map of the region.
➤ Illness, spiritual Is There No Balm in Gilead? —There is a balm in Gilead. Why do people not come to the heavenly physician for spiritual healing? Three possible reasons.
➤ Image, self Your Self Esteem —The Bible teaches the importance of self esteem. A poor self image makes an unfruitful servant of God.
➤ Imagery, poetic Book of Psalms —Part of an overview of the Psalms. Includes useful reference material.
➤ Imagery Word Pictures (Matthew 7) —A look at the imagery in Matthew 7, and an outline of the chapter.
➤ Imitating Toward Our Goal —Ten principles for achieving any worthwhile goal, especially a Christian goal.
➤ Immersion Is Baptism Immersion? —In this lesson we study what is sometimes called the form or action of baptism.
➤ Immortality Do We Already Have Eternal Life? —Christians already have been given eternal life, however it has not yet begun. We explain.
➤ Immortality Immortality, Bible and Science —Popular science claims that advances in technology will soon make human beings immortal. However, Jesus Christ since long ago has been able to give mankind eternal life without the help of science.
➤ Immunity from suffering Through Much Tribulation —This study in Revelation helps us understand the troubles and suffering we go through.
➤ Immutable things Promises to Abraham —The faith and hope of Abraham stood on two immutable things: the promise of Christ and the oath that confirmed it.
➤ Impersonal Is the Holy Spirit an Impersonal Force? —Discusses the Personhood of the Holy Spirit showing his attributes of personality.
➤ Importance The Importance of Scripture —The Bible is important. It matters that we believe it. This lesson will show three reasons why the scripitures are so basic to the Christian's faith. The Bible is the throbbing heart of our faith. Tear out that heart, and our belief system is dead.
➤ Importunate Parable of the Importunate Widow —A look at the parables of Friends at Midnight and the Persistent Widow.
➤ Impossible Four Impossible Things —It is impossible to flee from God or hide from him. It is impossible to serve both God and money. It is impossible to love God and hate another person. It is impossible to be told a lie by God. This lesson is about those four impossibilities.
Note —IMPOTENT: means powerless, weak, ineffectual. In contrast, power from God and the gospel (Romans 1:16) can achieve all godly aims and desires. Against all odds we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). Other powers fall short and disappoint.
➤ Imputed sin Law and the Imputation of Sin —The first of three lessons from Romans that examine the relationship between sin and divine law.
➤ In God in Us and We in God (Chart) —Shows the Christian’s relationship with God. A concordance of scriptures that speak of the Christian “in” God, and God “in” the Christian.
➤ In In, With, Under —A Bible lesson built upon three powerful prepositional phrases: in Christ, with Christ, and under Christ.
➤ Inability T ~Total Depravity —Examines human nature, and the mechanism by which sin and death spread to all. Is it by heredity or by contagion?
➤ Incidentals Incidentals in Their Place —Often, when one does something for a good purpose, one's actions have some side effect incidental to one's purpose. In this lesson we look at three kinds of incidentals and how we should regard them.
➤ Indwelling of Spirit The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit —Does the Holy Spirit dwell in the Christian? If so, how and why?
➤ Indwelling of Spirit Why the Holy Spirit Dwells in Us —The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, in every obedient believer in Jesus Christ, is clearly taught in the gospel. But what is the purpose of this indwelling?
➤ Indwelling of Spirit The Unbreakable Seal —Every one who is a Christian has the Holy Spirit as the seal of God, and this is distinct from the miraculous gifts which were given only to some.
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