➤ Infallible grace Perseverance of the Saints —Can a saved person cease to be saved and become lost again? The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints says “No.” Is that right or wrong?
➤ Infants Baby Baptism —Examines the question of whether babies should be baptized. Looks at the state of innocence, the question of nature, and the steps of obedience that accompany baptism.
➤ Inference as authority Is It Scriptural? —Many Christians wish to ensure that all they do and believe has the Lord’s authority. Here's how.
➤ Influence Seven Good Influences SERIES —These studies examine the good influences that motivate us to obey God, and show how we can either cause them to fail, or nurture and strengthen them.
➤ Information Main Information Page 'About Us' —A list of simplybible.com’s information pages.
➤ Inherent sin Law and Sin Imputed —The first of three lessons from Romans that examine the relationship between sin and divine law.
➤ Inheritance The Chain of Great Events —A chain of events is experienced by everyone who obeys God’s plan of salvation. Paul presents this chain in three different ways.
➤ Inheritance Do We Already Have Eternal Life? —Christians already have been given eternal life, however it has not yet begun. We explain.
➤ Inheritance Have You Counted the Cost? —The most important things cannot be evaluated on a calculator. But you can count the cost in your heart.
➤ Inheritance The Eternal Kingdom —Jesus Christ is coming again one day, at the end of the world. He will gather up his spiritual Israel, from among the living and the dead, to take its every citizen into heaven forever.
➤ Inheritance Seven Lovely Things —In Paul’s letter to Galatians there are seven short passages that are well known and loved by every believer in Christ.
➤ Iniquity Sin and Legalism SERIES —These studies provide insight into the nature of sin and how sin ought to be dealt with, while at the same time drawing attention to errors of legalism and liberalism.
➤ Inner Inner Being —Today many people are seeing life as a spiritual Path and a Quest: a walk to higher ground transcending this temporal realm. We consider the needs of our inner being for that journey.
➤ Innocence T ~Total Depravity —Examines human nature, and the mechanism by which sin and death spread to all. Is it by heredity or by contagion?
➤ Innocence The State of Innocence —The first state of every human soul is innocence, which is a state of grace, not of merit. All humans rely on the grace of God through the virtue of Christ.
➤ Innocence Ignorance and Innocence —How does God view sins committed in ignorance? Does he deem a person innocent who sins without realising it?
➤ Innocence Innocence and Guilt —What Does the Bible Teach? —Another pair of opposites in the Bible is innocence and guilt. We study the arrival of guilt, an argument about guilt, and the answer to guilt.
➤ Inscription The Inscription on the Cross —There is more in Pilate’s inscription on the cross of Christ than meets the eye. It seems even Pilate intended more to be read into it than he actually wrote.
➤ Insight Adventures of Elisha —After Elijah left this world, his disciple Elisha took up Elijah’s mantle and ministry.
➤ Insight Spiritual Insight —The true second sight is the spiritual insight, and the light of the inner eye is the Bible.
➤ Insight Depth of Insight —The discernment or insight given us by the Lord is not meagre. He doesn't give glimpses of enlightenment, but a fulness.
➤ Insight Insights Into Tribulation —This lesson outlines three important insights into our trials and tribulations.
➤ Insight Insight Cluster —A directory to lessons and collections on simplybible.com about “Light and Insight”.
➤ Instinct Are God's Laws Known by Instinct? —Are humans born with basic laws written on their hearts which the conscience knows instinctively?
➤ Instrument Instrumental Music in Worship —Discusses whether musical instruments (other than the human voice and heart) are allowable and desirable in Christian song worship. An exercise in applying scriptural authority.
➤ Intellect The Influence of Intellect —God has given us intellect so that our faith and obedience to him might be that of intelligent choice.
➤ Intercession WORDS Intercession — Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “intercession”.
➤ Intercession God’s Response to Prayers —Examines how God responds to the prayers of his people in three marvelous ways: intercession, providence, and good pleasure.
➤ Intercession Jesus the Intercessor —We are greatly blessed in having a great High Priest, one who ever lives to make intercession for us.
Note —INTERCESSOR: An intercessor presents the pleas of the subjects to the high authority on their behalf. A mediator, on the other hand, presents the decrees of a high authority to his subjects on behalf of that authority. These decrees include terms of reconciliation.
➤ Interests The Interests You Pursue —This is about how we spend our time. There are three headings: time wise, time waste, and time warp.
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