A series of lessons about the qualities and basis of a genuine faith in Christ. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ After the Laughter —About how Abraham was tested. An important story for Christians because the faith of Abraham is typical of the faith by which we are justified and saved.
➤ His Faith Was Complete —The story of the ten lepers in Luke 17:12-19, will help us examine our faith. It is a story about a number of people, and one especially, who had faith in Jesus...
➤ Faith that Pleases God —A simple Bible lesson about what kind of faith is acceptable to God.
➤ My Own Personal Faith —Are you mistakenly relying upon your own personal do-it-yourself faith, made up of whatever seems true to you?
➤ Christ-Cross-Covenant —About three connected C's on which our faith is based.
➤ Two Mistakes About Works —A lesson on the relationship between grace, faith, and works.
➤ Why Do You? —Questions that God asked at the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.
➤ The Greatest Commandment —A lesson of some depth. It's about love and faith, and it may surprise you.
➤ The Things You Have Learned —Timothy was very fortunate as a child in having been grounded in the true faith by his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice, and later by Paul his mentor.
➤ Three Principles of a Saving Faith —Lesson on Romans 1:16-17 about the source, Privilege, and obedience of faith.
➤ Doing Right Wrongly —When we serve God, we may do what we prefer, or we believe to be best, instead of trying to understand what God wants. If so, we will be doing right wrongly.
➤ Be a Berean (Acts 17:10-13) —Paul visits the synagogue in Berea. After intense opposition in Thessalonica, Paul finds the Bereans more noble. They listen eagerly as they study and search the scriptures daily with Paul. These Bereans are an example for us.
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