A collection of lessons about the conflict between man-made religious denominations and Christ’s true church. All congregations professing Christ should rediscover that church and restore themselves to it forsaking all else. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ I Will Build My Church —Each and every word in the statement I will build my church marks something of very great importance.
➤ YouTube Search for the True Church (1) — Watch a 30-minute video, first in the series "The Search for the True Church". Jesus told Peter, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). Soon, after he died and arose from the dead, he did exactly that —He built his church, and he has been building it ever since. We introduce the series Search for the True Church by briefly looking at the statement of Jesus, "I will build my church".
➤ What is the Church? —We try to understand what the church is. One important point is that the church is not a denomination and it's not like ice cream.
➤ Can We See What Jesus Built? —Jesus built his church and it is a visible church in the world today.
➤ Will Any Religion Do? (Mud is Not Chocolate) —How many religions should we regard as good and true? Is there only one, a few, or a great many?
➤ YouTube Search for the True Church (2) — Watch a 30-minute video, second in the series "The Search for the True Church". There are many conflicting and confusing opinions about how to define religion, what its purpose is, and which religion is acceptable. Rather than add my opinion to the mess, I am going to simply offer you the longstanding viewpoint of someone whose credentials are unsurpassed and who addresses this question with clarity and authority: Paul the apostle..
➤ What Went Wrong? —In 2000 years Christianity has gone down hill. The history books bulge with tales of heresy and scandal. Why?
➤ YouTube Search for the True Church (3) —Watch a 25-minute video, third in the series "Search for the True Church." It is now about 2000 years since Christianity began. In that time it has gone down hill a long way. The history books bulge with tales of heresy and scandal. Of course truth and sincerity can also be found, but for these you have to search. If we go right back to the first fifty years of Christianity, we find that it had gone badly wrong almost from the moment it started. What went wrong? Tap the title next to the arrow to start playing the video on YouTube (simplybible channel).
➤ Simply Christians —All denominations have something which divides. A truly undenominational church has nothing but what God has given.
➤ YouTube Search for the True Church (4) Simply Christians —Watch a 25-minute video, fourth in the series "Search for the True Church." Christians don't have to be under a denominational umbrella in order to be Christ's body and receive the full blessings of grace. The difference between those who are "simply Christians", and those who belong to a denomination, is that "simply Christians" have faith in the sufficiency of God-given things, and add nothing to them. Tap the title next to the arrow to start playing the video on YouTube (simplybible channel).
➤ How to Find Christ's Church —There is a simple common-sense way to find the true church. They call it the process of elimination.
➤ YouTube Search for the True Church (5) How to Find Christ’s Church —Watch a 25-minute video, fifth in the series "Search for the True Church." There is a simple method of finding the true church. It is the same simple common-sense method we use any time we want to find something. It's what is usually called "the process of elimination". Tap the title next to the arrow to start playing the video on YouTube (simplybible channel).
➤ The Church Jesus Bought —What is the most precious material and physical thing that has ever been in this world?
➤ YouTube Search for the True Church (6) The Church Jesus Bought —Watch a 25-minute video. Christians are a people returned to the possession of Christ. We are the redeemed property of God (Ephesians 1:13-14). Christ paid his own blood as the price to remove our sin so that we could return into his possession. He did not purchase our sins. He purchased the forgiveness of our sins so that we could be restored to God's possession. Tap the title next to the arrow to start playing the video on YouTube (simplybible channel).
➤ The Foundation of the Church —Our main text for this study is a statement that Jesus made to the apostle Peter. Jesus said, "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). We will look at Peter’s place in the foundation of the church.
➤ The Visible Church —Refuting the notion of an invisible church. This notion has no scriptural basis and doesn't even make sense.
➤ What is the Church Made of? —The genuine church will be made of the right stuff.
➤ The Church Over 2000 Years —CHART Depicts the church through the centuries since its establishment. This old chart has been in my notebook for many years. I'd like to share it with you.
➤ Beginning at Jerusalem —CHART When, where, how, and why did Christianity begin, and who were the first Christians?
➤ Who is a Christian? —What makes a person truly a Christian? Find out from the scriptures.
➤ What the Church is Not —You can get a better understanding of what something is, by being aware of what it is not. To better understand what the church is, let's consider what it is not.
➤ New Carts —When David rescued the ark of the covenant, he transported it in a new cart instead of the hands of the priests. Uzzah lost his life but David learned a lesson. So can we.
➤ The Lord’s Supper, Anywhere, Anytime? —Some say that the Lord’s Supper can be shared anywhere at anytime, and the assembly for the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week is just a Church of Christ tradition without real support in scripture. Is that true?
➤ Why Worship Together on Sunday? —There is a school of thought, which currently has a loud voice, denying any authority or pattern for the assembly of Christians on the first day of the week, for five acts of worship. We look at 1Corinthians.
➤ The Church of Christ —The church of Christ has the way to join all Christians into one people. The church of Christ is not just another group that divides Christians. No, not at all. Every one of you can be one people in Christ because you are joined to Christ Jesus only (Galatians 3:26-28).
➤ One World Wide Church —The church that Jesus established was one world wide church. Jesus said, "Go into ALL THE WORLD and preach the gospel to ALL CREATION" (Mark 16:16). This was accomplished by the first generation of Christians (Colossians 1:5-6,23). Why not also by our generation?
➤ In Danger of Digression —Churches of Christ used to take a hard line against error. They took pains not to condone any belief or practice that was unscriptural. They called out digression and stood for New Testament Christianity.
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