These lessons are about two things we should not fool around with. God can save us from both, but be warned, he will only save us on his terms. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.
➤ The Severity of God —The goodness and mercy of God go together with the severity and wrath of God. Living in the fear of God helps to assure our salvation.
➤ The Lie that brought Death —The true story of Ananias and Sapphira's lie, is one of the most unsettling in the Bible.
➤ No Loophole in God's Law —Some people think they can find loopholes in God's law. They interpret the kindness of God as a weakness they can exploit.
➤ What Did They Do Wrong? —Nadab and Abihu made a fatal mistake. They were worshipping God, and God struck them dead. What did they do wrong?
➤ Is Satan Equal to God? —Bible lesson discussing whether God and Satan are opposite equals.
➤ Is Good Greater than Evil? —Having seen that Satan and God are not equals, we now turn to the question of good and evil as the products, respectively, of God and Satan.
➤ Satan, the Devil —An ABC of the Devil. Angels who fell, Binding of Satan, Chapters on the Devil, Descriptions and names, Escaping Satan.
➤ Do Not Give the Devil a Place —A lesson based on Paul's encouragement to us, not to give the Devil a place in our hearts, nor an opportunity in our lives (Ephesians 4:27). This implies three things.
➤ The Devil’s Devices (2Corinthians 2:11) —A lesson about three devices or schemes that Satan uses so as to get an advantage over us. We should not be ignorant of these devices.
➤ More Devil’s Devices (2Corinthians 2:11) —Another lesson revealing three more devices or schemes that Satan uses so as to get an advantage over us.
➤ Among Satan's Followers —Five key Bible passages by which to test yourself to see whether you follow Christ or Satan.
➤ Enemies of the Christian —Bible teaching warning us about the dark side of our faith and hope, the enemies of the Christian.
➤ Believing a Lie —False teaching is all around us, but we have no excuse for believing these lies.
➤ Why the Warnings? —The scripture warns people to repent, obey God, and be saved through Jesus. Those who continue in unbelief and disobedience will be condemned. But God wants us to be saved. That's why he warns us. /dindexWarns.htm
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