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Author: Ron Graham

Information Pages

Mission Statement

This page tells you about the goals of and the attitudes of its author, supporters, friends, churches, and all who encourage and assist this website.

1 The Great Commission

Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation" (Mark 16:15-16). We regard this as a duty of disciples of Christ today as much as it was the duty of the first disciples.

2 Making the Most of the Opportunity

The internet has provided a way for anyone to reach and teach people all over the world. Of course this means that all kinds of nonsense and even gross wickedness is out there on the net. Nevertheless, it is also possible for a tiny church to teach not only in its own small corner, but in every corner of the world. This is an opportunity that must not be lost. We are therefore making the most of the opportunity, "redeeming the time because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16).

3 Avoiding Foolish Controversies

All the studies on are intended to "shun foolish controversies... for they are unprofitable and worthless." (Titus 3:9). The author feels neither inclined nor mandated to enter into every "issue" that someone may raise, even though it may be an issue currently of high profile in the brotherhood. On the other hand, the author may deal at length with certain controversies that have been around for centuries, and deal with basic principles, even though these questions don’t have a high profile at the moment. You may accuse of answering questions nobody is asking, and ignoring questions everybody is talking about, however we will not be sidetracked by foolish controversies that only cause strife.

4 Edifying the Church

The Lord has given "some as evangelists... for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith... speaking the truth in love..." (Ephesians 4:11-15) The author believes that the same gospel that saves the lost edifies the church, and he has been very dedicated by the grace of Christ to fulfilling this ministry for more than 50 years. This website is presently a major part of that ministry.

5 Holding the Traditions

Paul says, "So then brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught, whether by spoken word or by letter from us" (2Thessalonians 2:15). Of course the "tradition" Paul is talking about is not the tradition of men, but the gospel as he and the other apostles taught it. This is the tradition of the churches of Christ, whether in the first century or the twenty-first century. The "tradition" of these churches is to restore and hold to that ancient gospel. Whilst some churches tend to move away from that tradition and let it go, others go back to it and take hold of it again. The author of has been blessed to be in a family which has followed that tradition for generations, and he wants this website to be firmly entrenched in that tradition of restoring New Testament Christianity.

6 Collecting the Parchments

Paul asked Timothy, "When you come, bring the cloak which I left at Troaz with Carpus, and the books, especially the parchments." (2Timothy 4:13). Over more than 40 years, the author of has written many "parchments" some of which he now views as discardable, but many of which he regards as worthy of preservation, even though they may not be of the quality and importance of Paul’s parchments. So this website is intended to build an archive of the author’s better work both old and new. There is too much to publish on paper, but through the marvel of electronic storage and presentation, it can be made available online.

7 Teaching Others to Teach

Paul urged Timothy, "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also" (2Tim 2:2). The tradition discussed above must be passed on from place to place and from generation to generation. So there must be teachers who will teach others to teach. The author of wants this website to be a resource that others who teach can use, that they might better know what and how to teach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom alone comes the faith and the commandments that give eternal life.

Join With Us

This seven-point mission statement is presented in the hope that you, whoever you are, wherever you are, will have fellowship with us in these goals, and pray for us that we may accomplish them with the help of God.


Webservant Ron Graham /dmission.htm
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