This page reports my voluntary ministry activities January to March 2012 —for the information of those who take a special interest in my work.
Dear Brethren... This report covers the first quarter of 2012.
During January and March, I presented 19 Sunday lessons in Bundaberg. These included Bible class studies in the first and second chapters of Acts. We were missing from Bundaberg the last two Sundays in February, when we had to go to Melbourne. There we met on two Sundays with the brethren at Heidelberg West and saw some old familiar faces.
It is now five years since we started meeting with the Bundaberg church, and I delivered my 600th lesson there in March. I appreciate your help, the help of my wife Susanne, and of course the Lord’s help, in carrying out this pulpit ministry at Bundaberg.
For some decades, I have conducted studies in Acts based on the places in Acts. Every place in Acts is mentioned, and all that Acts records as happening there. These studies used to be in a book entitled “Acts Facts” produced with a typewriter and a Fordigraph. More recently of course it was published online. It's one of the main features of and is used around the world. Added to that study was an exposition of Acts chapter one. I'd always thought that a verse by verse exposition of the whole book of Acts would be a great addition to Acts Facts. But it's a big project. I have made a start on it. During the quarter I worked on verse by verse studies for Acts chapters 2-9.
New Lessons. In the quarter, I added 23 lessons to the website. Sixteen of these new lessons are the verse by verse studies in Acts, mentioned above. The whole website now includes 1073 Bible studies. The site has 1505 pages in total.
Upgrading. In January, I finished off the upgrade of the site to 2011 standard. I did 30 other miscellaneous tasks to improve the function and appearance of the site. This included some measures to make pages load faster and to enhance their uncluttered appearance.
Visitors to site. The number of daily visitors to the site has come back up to normal levels. As mentioned in my last report, moving the site to a new host, combined with a natural drop in numbers at the holiday season, caused lower than usual numbers November through January —as low as 500-800 daily visitors. In February and March, however, the numbers rose to well over 1200 visitors daily, and a little higher than the same time last year. Toward the end of March the numbers were as shown in the table below. In each box, Google’s calculation is the figure on top, and my host’s calculation is the figure underneath. Each week there's a consistent boomerang-shaped graph, the numbers rising Sunday to Wednesday, and then dropping Thursday to Saturday.
DAY | Visits | Page views |
SUN | 1352 1448 |
2389 2612 |
MON | 1357 1525 |
2421 2402 |
TUE | 1412 1545 |
2699 2433 |
WED | 1483 1652 |
2689 2599 |
THU | 1372 1525 |
2460 2339 |
FRI | 1312 1432 |
2590 2390 |
SAT | 983 1123 |
1649 1947 |
Round the world. My website is written in English, and it reaches three types of audience. The first audience consists of people who have English as their mother tongue; they like to read elegant and mature English. The second audience comprises people who have English as their second language; they enjoy simple English. The third audience is composed of people who use artificial intelligence to translate a page from English into their own language; they wish to get an intelligible translation. I do my best to satisfy these three kinds of audience. People from many nations use the website. I try to communicate effectively, so that everyone will benefit.
Again I say a big thank you to the people who have assisted me in my work. Without you, I could not do it.
Love and best wishes in Jesus, /dr12Q1.htm
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