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➤ Christ Our High Priest —We consider “the apostle and high priest of our confession, Christ Jesus” (Hebrews 3:1). This study is mainly in the book of Hebrews.
➤ The L in GLORY Jesus the Lamb —The PERFECTION of Jesus as the LAMB of God whose precious blood can take away all sins of all people.
➤ Seven Great Changes —One word that characterises the Last Days, is CHANGE. Seven great foundation changes took place centuries ago when Christ died.
➤ The Order of Melchizedek —Melchizedek was not only a king; he was also a priest of the Most High God. Melchizedek symbolized Christ and his new priesthood and law.
➤ Joshua Zechariah Zerubbabel —The prophet Zechariah, the highpriest Joshua, and the governer Zerubbabel, were involved in a symbolic ceremony, the meaning of which flatly contradicts premillennialism.
➤ Jesus a Priest Like Melchizedek —The Hebrew writer discusses the credentials of Jesus Christ based upon a Messianic prophecy sworn as an oath by God, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek”.
➤ The Perfect Priest —Continuing the previous lesson about the credentials of Jesus Christ based upon an oath sworn by God, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek”.
➤ Jesus the Perfect Sacrifice —The body and blood of Jesus, because he was without sin, made an offering that satisfied God once and for all.
➤ Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53) —Perhaps the chief chapter of Isaiah is chapter 53, the prophecy of the suffering Servant.
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