—Processed: “Antioch ”
If your search suceeded, tap any title next to an arrow below.
➤ Acts Facts - Achaia to Antioch —Maps and Info about Achaia, Adramyttium, Adria, Alexandria, Amphipolis, and Antioch.
➤ Acts 11:19-30 —A verse by verse study of Acts 11:19-30 about the establishment of a new church in Antioch Syria, and the involvement in this work of Paul and Barnabas.
➤ Acts 13:13-42 —A verse by verse study of Acts 13:13-42. These verses record Paul’s speech in the synagogue in Antioch Pisidia.
➤ Acts 13:43-52 —A verse by verse study of Acts 13:43-52. Paul and Barnabas are persecuted in Antioch Pisidia, and driven out of the city.
➤ The Two Antiochs —Supplementary Notes on the two Antiochs, one in Syria and the other in Pisidia.
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