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➤ In Danger of Digression —Churches of Christ used to take a hard line against error. They took pains not to condone any belief or practice that was unscriptural. They called out digression and stood for New Testament Christianity.
➤ Acts Facts - Berea to Cilicia —Maps and Info about Berea, Bithynia, Caesarea, Cappadocia, Cape Salmone, Cenchrea, Chios, and Cilicia.
➤ Acts 17:1-15 —A verse by verse study of Acts 17:1-15. These verses describe Paul’s experiences and work in Thessalonica and Berea with Silas and Timothy, during his second missionary journey.
➤ Be a Berean (Acts 17:10-13) —Paul visits the synagogue in Berea. After intense opposition in Thessalonica, Paul finds the Bereans more noble. They listen eagerly as they study and search the scriptures daily with Paul. These Bereans are an example for us.
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