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➤ The O in GLORY Jesus the Only begotten —The PLACE of Jesus as the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God who has first place in God’s family.
➤ A Time for Gifts —There are special times when people give gifts to each other to show their love. God also has a time for gifts and he wonderfully blesses humankind.
➤ God’s Son is Born —Over the centuries the prophets spoke of the coming Christ, and the fulfillment of prophecy unfolded. When “the fullness of time” came (Galatians 4:4), the promised Saviour entered into the world. He is the Son of God who took upon himself our human nature and became one of us.
➤ A Virgin Shall Conceive —We compare Isaiah 7:14 with Matthew 1:23 and consider the words of Isaiah as quoted by Matthew, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call his name Immanuel”.
➤ Who Was Born in Bethlehem? —Who was the baby named Jesus born to Mary in Bethlehem? We find three answers: He was the Son of God, Christ the Lord, Jesus our Saviour.
➤ The Birth of Jesus —Some professing Christians reject the Bible story as factual. They do not believe in anything supernatural.
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