—Processed: “Enoch , Noah ”
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➤ Enoch’s Promise of Judgment (Jude 1:14-15) —This lesson in our studies of Jude’s epistle looks at verses 14-16 where Jude quotes Enoch’s promise that the wicked will be judged (Jude 1:14-16).
➤ Spiritualizing Prophecy ~ Rainbow Principle —A lesson answering common criticisms about spiritualizing prophecy. Explains what it means to spiritualize prophecy. God s rainbow promise is a paradigm or pattern. We use it to illustrate.
➤ The Great Flood —Did the great flood cover Planet Earth entirely, or the vicinity of Messopotamia only?
➤ How Big Was Noah’s Ark? —Another discussion about the great flood.
➤ Successful Evangelism —Successful evangelism is not measured by numbers. Though few are converted, we may still be succeeding.
➤ Noah and the Flood —(2Peter 2:5, 3:3-7) In his second epistle, Peter uses the destruction of the old world by water as a precedent for the future destruction by fire of the world we live in.
➤ First He Built An Altar —What happened when Noah and his family came out of the ark? We can learn a lot from Noah.
➤ Fastaem Noa i Stanemap Wan Olta blong Mekem Wosip long God —Afta bigfala wota i draonem olgeta wol, biaen Noa, mo famle blong hem, mo ol anamol wetem hem, oli bin kamaot long bigbigfala sip. Wanem faswan samting Noa i bin mekem? 'Nao Noa i wokem wan olta blong mekem wosip long Hae God...' (Jenesis 8:13-22).
➤ Grace and Noah —Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He and his family were saved by grace from the flood that killed everyone else. Was there anything about Noah that caused God to choose him for grace?
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