—Processed: “Gladness , Joy ”
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➤ How to be Truly Happy SERIES —This series will reveal the secrets of achieving true happiness in life. Some of these secrets are surprising and they are things that worldly people may not evaluate as ways to be happy.
➤ Pleasing God —Once you become a Christian, you have a duty to God as much as he has a duty to you. God will bless you in every way, but you must respond by doing what pleases him.
➤ Our Cups of Joy and Sorrow —Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice! Often quoted, much misunderstood.
➤ Peace Will be With You —A lesson from Philippians 4:1-9 about how to obtain inner tranquility.
➤ Are You Positive? —Paul’s letter to the Philippians is positive in its theme: I can! We look beyond positive thinking to the postive actions encouraged in the letter.
➤ Though You Have Not Seen Him —Were time machines possible, we could go see Jesus. Through faith in Jesus, we will see him in the future with great joy.
➤ Events at the Last Day —One last day for this world. We don't know when, but we do know of seven main events of that day.
➤ Mary's Magnificat - Psalm of Praise —Mary the mother of Jesus visited her sister, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist. Mary uttered a beautiful Psalm known as the Magnificat. Its themes are praise, humility, joy, fear, faith, mercy, strength, promise, and blessing.
➤ God's Agenda for Humanity (1Timothy 2:1-4) —God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”. The salvation and enlightenment of humanity has always been the will and work of God.
➤ God's Goal of Oneness (1Timothy 2:5-8) —There is but one path to eternal life, the path of faith in Jesus Christ and full obedience to him. This one faith is the center of the gospel.
➤ Madness, Sadness, Gladness (1Timothy 6:) —In First Timothy chapter 6, Paul writes about how Christians should regard the world they live in. He mentions three relationships that one can have with the world. In this lesson we call them Madness, Sadness, and Gladness. The last one is of course the one we should choose.
➤ Turning Sorrow to Joy (Isaiah 53) —The sorrow portrayed in Isaiah 53 is sorrow that turns into joy. There are three ways this is true.
➤ The Rapture —The Rapture at the Last Day is a precious promise to the Christian. However the popular teaching about it is wrong.
➤ Aspirational Christians —The aspirations of Christians are also expectations. We truly believe that we will achieve them without a doubt. God has provided the resources for us to meet the challenges and succeed in our aspirations. This lesson looks at three of the top goals of the “aspirational Christian.”
➤ Spiritual Wellbeing - Philippians SERIES —studies in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, developing the elements of spiritual wellbeing. Lessons are designed for class teaching or a lectureship/workshop programme. The lessons are available as a print friendly ebook in pdf format.
➤ Put Yourself Last —Put yourself last? Ha! Are you crazy? No I’m not. Putting yourself last is a key to happiness.
➤ The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength —(Nehemiah 8:10) God’s heaven is joyful. “The Lord’s strength and joy are in his place” (1Chronicles 16:27). How do we give joy to the Lord, and how does this make us strong?
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