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❖ ISRAEL —The name “Israel” applies to four entities in the Bible... 1. the patriarch Jacob, 2. the kingdom ruled by David and Solomon, 3. the northern kingdom after the division, 4. the church that Christ established.
❖ JACOB —the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. “Israel” is another name for Jacob. One of his twelve sons was Judah. After the kingdom divided, the break away was named after him. The remaining part was in the territory of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
❖ TWELVE TRIBES —The names of the territories apportioned do not match exactly with the twelve sons of Jacob, because the sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) gained separate territories, whilst the Levites had no single territory as such, but were allotted various towns.
➤ Apportionment of Israel’s Territories —A list of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel) and of the tribal lands east of Jordan, west of Jordan, and other apportionments. Chapters in Josha cited. Map included.
➤ Bible Kings and Prophets Chart —A chart listing side by side the kings of Israel, kings of Judah, and the prophets.
➤ Ezekiel Outlines and Notes SERIES —A series of outlines and notes from the 48 chapters of the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel’s enactments, prophecies, and visions explained.
➤ The Last Days SERIES —A basic introductory series about the times and events to which prophecy points. Companion to the series on Premillennialism, and the series on Preterism.
➤ The Old Testament SERIES —List of lessons emphasising the Old Testament’s indispensable value to the Christian. The series includes a detailed Messianic prophecy chart.
➤ The Times of Israel SERIES —A complete hyperlinked list (with synopses) of Old Testament lessons, in one of simplybible.com’s largest series.
➤ The Historical View of Faith —Summarizes the development of a saving faith (namely a faith in Jesus) among all the peoples of earth down through the ages.
➤ The Times of Israel —First section of a chart setting out the twelve times of Israel with a list for each of the relevant Bible books and prophets, main figures, and beginning event. Includes an aid for memorizing the 12 times.
➤ The Times of Israel —The second section of the Times of Israel chart covers the rise and fall of the earthly kingdom including the kingdom of David, Solomon’s reign, the empire’s division and fall, and the remnant rebuilt.
➤ The Times of Israel —The third section of the Times of Israel chart covers covers the latter days including the Messiah’s coming and the establishment of his world wide heavenly kingdom.
➤ The Story of Israel (1) —Summary of the twelve Times of Israel Part 1.
➤ The Story of Israel (2) —Summary of the twelve Times of Israel Part 2.
➤ The Story of Israel (3) —Summary of the twelve Times of Israel Part 3.
➤ Map for the Times of Israel —An aid for our series in the Old Testament.
➤ Adventures of Jacob —This lesson looks beyond the sojourns and adventures of Abraham, to those of Isaac and Jacob, especially the latter (Genesis 22-36). “Three Marriages” outline included.
➤ Three Marriages —Christians are figuratively “married” to Christ (Romans 7:4). In some ways, our marriage to Christ is something like Rebekah’s marriage to Isaac (Genesis 24), and Rachel's marriage to Jacob (Genesis 29).
➤ A King Over Israel —Tension between the will of God and the will of man. God would rather that he alone be Israel's king, but they wanted a human king so God yielded (1Samuel 8-15).
➤ The Assyrian Captivity —The beginning of the captivities as the larger kingdom (Israel) falls to Assyria and its people are taken away to foreign lands. Includes a table of the kings and prophets of Judah and Israel, plus a short piece on the supposed Ten Lost Tribes.
➤ The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) —The promises of old come to pass in the resurrection and ascension of Christ and his outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost signifying that he is now Lord and Christ on David’s throne in heaven (Acts 2:31-36).
➤ The Israel of God (Romans 9-11) —Part four of an outline of Romans. Paul teaches us about Israel’s relationship with God.
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