—Processed: “Acrostic ”
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➤ We Beheld His Glory SERIES —List of studies that portray Christ using John chapter one as a basis and GLORY as an acrostic.
➤ Five Points of Calvinism SERIES —A series addressing and refuting Calvinism, following the useful TULIP acrostic that many Calvinists employ to set out the five main principles.
➤ We Beheld His Glory —We discuss the human nature and the divine nature of Jesus Christ. We defend the traditional and orthodox view. A CHART is included, outlining and indexing the other five lessons in the “GLORY” series.
➤ No Night There —In the last two chapters of the book of Revelation, a vision of heaven is presented symbolically as a jewelled city of light and, “There will be no night there”.
➤ Tulip (5 Points of Calvinism) —An overview introducing the Bible study series refuting the five points of Calvinism.
➤ Don't Forget to Pray —Our Remember series would not be complete without a lesson about remembering to pray. An acrostic chart on PRAYER.
➤ What Does Christ Do For Us? —Jesus Christ does many wonderful things for us. Here are six of them to think about. To help you remember them, they make an acrostic on the word CHRIST.
➤ What Does Christ Do For Us? (2) —This is the second acrostic on the word CHRIST, and six more of the many wonderful things Christ does for us.
➤ The Helmet of Salvation —People will say that there are many great lights in the world. They are the teachers who have given the world great insights. That may be so, but when people count Jesus as one among the many, that is not true. He is the only Mediator between God and man (1Timothy 2:4-6).
➤ Grace and Repentance —Repentance means a change of mind. But in what sense and with what results? Some say that a mind change is all God’s grace requires for repentance. We are not required to change our lives. We don't need to turn from sin. That's wrong. Several things go along with true repentance, and it cannot do without them. God’s grace, in granting repentance, requires these things.
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