—Processed: “Alone ”
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➤ Examples of God's Oneness —A List of Bible Examples of the oneness of God. We look at what the scriptures reveal about God's oneness. Just a neat simple list for reference. There are several ways in which God is one.
➤ Giant Problem! —Whatever other problems you may have, no matter how big they are, this problem is bigger.
➤ The O in GLORY Jesus the Only begotten —The PLACE of Jesus as the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God who has first place in God’s family.
➤ Accountability to God —About that stage in life when one becomes answerable to God.
➤ The Scared and Shaking Heart —We've considered how Jesus can mend the heart shattered by sufferings, and help the heart polluted by superstition. Now we see how Jesus comforts the heart plagued with fear of God’s wrath.
➤ No Night There —In the last two chapters of the book of Revelation, a vision of heaven is presented symbolically as a jewelled city of light and, “There will be no night there”.
➤ In God’s Very Presence —(Revelation 22:3-5) We continue to study the vision of the new Eden, the final vision that John saw and recorded in the book of Revelation.
➤ God’s Presence —(The Holy Spirit) God in us and we in God - a chart lesson showing the Christian’s relationship with God.
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