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➤ Enlightenment —Discusses the Source and revelation of all light, and the children of light.
➤ Beauty and Ugliness —Beauty and ugliness are opposites which both appear prominently in the Bible. Especially in the cross of Christ we see disgusting ugliness contrasted to supreme beauty. Yes there is “wondrous beauty” in the cruel death of Christ.
➤ Spiritual Wellbeing —The various elements of spiritual wellbeing and joy in Jesus are shown in an outline summary of the letter.
➤ The Four Titudes (Philippians 1:1-9) —Practising latitude, gratitude, beatitude, and aptitude, builds our fortitude.
➤ Though You Have Not Seen Him —Were time machines possible, we could go see Jesus. Through faith in Jesus, we will see him in the future with great joy.
➤ Face to Face —Time’s inexorable march sweeps us day by day, year by year, into the future. But somewhere in that future you will surely meet Jesus face to face.
➤ To Know the Love of Christ —The love of Christ is not too deep to know. Our deepest need is to know it. His cross, counsel, and coming again, show it.
➤ God's Magnificent Promises —God’s promises are very great and precious. Let’s believe and appreciate them, act upon them, assure our hearts with them.
➤ What Makes Women Beautiful? —This lesson looks at the attributes and qualities that make a woman beautiful as God intended she should be.
➤ Our Right Self Image —We are rich beyond measure (1Peter 1:7), We are people of action (1Peter 1:13-17), We are among the immortals (1Peter 1:23-25).
➤ Adventures of Ruth —About the faith that Ruth showed in God and her beauty of holiness, plus the kindness, generosity, and lovely spirit of Boaz and the community that welcomed the foreigner (Ruth 1-4).
➤ Seven Goals in Grace (2Thessalonians 1) —An inspirational lesson in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1, joining the first five verses with the last two.
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