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➤ The Multitude Saved (Revelation 7:1-17) —As a counterpoint to the previous vision, John sees the multitude of those saved from God’s wrath.
➤ If We Sin Wilfully —We are going to examine seven portions of scripture that show we Christians, although certainly secure, nurtured, and protected, will not remain so unless we respond to God’s grace and diligently fulfill his conditions according to his purpose for us. Otherwise we will be branches cut off.
➤ Joshua Zechariah Zerubbabel —The prophet Zechariah, the highpriest Joshua, and the governer Zerubbabel, were involved in a symbolic ceremony, the meaning of which flatly contradicts premillennialism.
➤ Comparing Scripture with Scripture —We look at three instructive examples of a failure to compare scripture with scripture. These examples are recorded by John. They occurred during the ministry of Jesus.
➤ Sowing and Growing (Parables) —about the parables of the Vine and the Branches, the Barren Figtree, the Sower and the Seed.
➤ Seven Short Kingdom Parables —about the parables of the Hidden Treasure, Pearl of Great Price, the Mustard Seed, and other parables.
➤ Christ and His Church —The New Testament writers Peter and Paul, draw on the words of Isaiah the prophet when they are teaching about the relationship of Christ to the church. The apostles draw our attention to three images in Isaiah’s poetry.
➤ Root and Fruit —(Isaiah) In this age of short cuts and quick fixes, we sometimes forget the principle that roots have to be established downwards before fruit can be borne upward.
➤ No Earthly Throne —Is Jesus going to be demoted from his heavenly throne to a throne here on earth? It cannot happen. There are three prophetic statements which Christ would break if he were to reign on David’s throne in earthly Jerusalem.
➤ The Israel of God (Romans 9-11) —Part four of an outline of Romans. Paul teaches us about Israel’s relationship with God.
➤ Sowing and Reaping —A lesson on the theme of seedtime and harvest. What’s happening to us now, is the harvest of thoughts and actions previously sown as seed.
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