—Processed: “Captivity , Assyria ”
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➤ He Led Captivity Captive (Ephesians 4:7-10) —Did Christ descend into Hell? Who were the host of captives that he led captive? Where, when, and how did he lead them?
➤ The Assyrian Captivity —The beginning of the captivities as the larger kingdom (Israel) falls to Assyria and its people are taken away to foreign lands. Includes a table of the kings and prophets of Judah and Israel, plus a short piece on the supposed Ten Lost Tribes.
➤ Captivity of Judah —It is the southern kingdom of Judah’s turn to be deported from their own land into exile in a foreign country. God’s instrument in this punishment is Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
➤ Adventures of Isaiah and Hezekiah —A few years after Samaria fell and the kingdom of Israel was led into exile, the Assyrians turned their attention to Judah where Hezekiah was reigning and Isaiah the prophet was preaching. Sennacherib the ruthless commander of the Assyrian army, made a seige.
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