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➤ Predestination (Wonderful Words) —Two issues in predestination: first God’s sovereign will and counsel; second man’s freedom of choice.
➤ Unconditional Election —Has God unconditionally chosen or elected some people for eternal life, whilst passing others by?
➤ Hearts Open, Hearts Closed —Can anyone resist the grace of God? This Bible study answers that question as it relates to human nature and God’s will.
➤ God’s Purpose - Our Choice —God has always tried to demonstrate to humanity that his purpose never changes. He has also left every person the choice whether to follow his purpose or reject it. That is no contradiction. Bible examples show this.
➤ Why the Warnings? —The scripture warns people to repent, obey God, and be saved through Jesus. Those who continue in unbelief and disobedience will be condemned. But God wants us to be saved. That's why he warns us.
➤ Seeking or Rejecting Grace —about the parables of the Workers in the Vineyard, and the Marriage of the King’s Son.
➤ Invited and Compelled —The Parable of the slighted invitation (Luke 14:16-24) is about people invited to a dinner. When they refused the invitation, other people were rounded up and compelled to attend. What is this saying about grace and choice?
➤ Election and Rejection —The principle of ELECTION or DIVINE CALLING is a major thread running unbroken through the whole story of the Bible. It is important for Christians to understand how this principle relates to human choice and responsibility.
➤ Called and Chosen (2Thessalonians 2:12-3:5) —Paul mentions seven very special blessings which make those who have come to God very special people.
➤ God's Choices —We notice three examples of God making choices according to his will. These examples come from Paul’s letter to the Romans.
➤ Blessed Assurance SERIES —A series of reassuring lessons on the surety of our forgiveness and salvation, helping us to have hope and be confident in Christ.
➤ The Chain of Great Events —A chain of events is experienced by everyone who obeys God’s plan of salvation. Paul presents this chain in three different ways.
➤ Do We Already Have Eternal Life? —Christians already have been given eternal life, however it has not yet begun. We explain.
➤ Seven Lovely Things —In Paul’s letter to Galatians there are seven short passages that are well known and loved by every believer in Christ.
➤ Challenge to the Churches —(Galatians 3:6 to 4:9) Paul presents three powerful contrasts or choices between the gospel and the law, to show how superior the gospel is, and how foolish it would be to go back to the old law.
➤ Kingdom Without End —Jesus Christ is coming again one day, at the end of the world. He will gather up his spiritual Israel, from among the living and the dead, to take its every citizen into heaven forever.
➤ Have You Counted the Cost? —The most important things cannot be evaluated on a calculator. But you can count the cost in your heart.
➤ Galatians 4 —Galatians chapter 4 rendered in simple clear sentences. Readings entitled “Every Christian a Son of God”.
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