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➤ Unity and Division —God’s people are meant to be one people, undivided, joined together by Christ, one in doctrine, direction, and devotion. Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one just as he and his Father are one (John 17:21).
➤ Dividing Past and Future —In rightly dividing the word of truth, we must know what is past and what is future in the Bible. The cross of Christ is the main divider of time in the Bible.
➤ Handling the Word Aright (1) —The first three of six simple principles to help us interpret and understand the Bible properly.
➤ Handling the Word Aright (2) —The last three of six simple principles to help us interpret and understand the Bible properly.
➤ Dividing the World in Two —about the parables of the Two Gates and Two Roads, and the Sheep and the Goats.
➤ Solomon’s Sin and Sorrow —Factors behind Solomon’s sin and fall from glory: his excess, his disobedience, his neglect, and his several faults.
➤ The Kingdom Divided —Ten tribes rebelled against Solomon, and a second kingdom was formed with Solomon’s servant Jeroboam as king. This kingdom was apostate.
➤ Christian Unity —Christ’s Prayer, Paul’s Plea, God’s Plan for the Unity of Believers
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