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➤ Glory Defined —Definition and word study of Glory. The excellent magnificence of God and his Heaven.
➤ We Beheld His Glory SERIES —List of studies that portray Christ using John chapter one as a basis and GLORY as an acrostic.
➤ We Beheld His Glory —We discuss the human nature and the divine nature of Jesus Christ. We defend the traditional and orthodox view. A CHART is included, outlining and indexing the other five lessons in the “GLORY” series.
➤ Quiz on John 1:1-34 —Here's a Bible study quiz on John 1:1-34. The Bible questions are not trivia. Rather they help you to learn the message of the scripture.
➤ The Three Glories —This lesson looks at Glory from three viewpoints: (1) The glory God gives to his Son Jesus Christ; (2) The glory God gives to us; and (3) The glory we give to God.
➤ Ten Deep Things John 1:1-17 —The first 17 verses of John’s account of Jesus, point to ten deep things. They are listed with a brief comment on each. Presented in two parts. This is PART 1.
➤ Ten Deep Things John 1:1-17 —The first 17 verses of John’s account of Jesus, point to ten deep things. They are listed with a brief comment on each. Presented in two parts. This is PART 2
➤ The Throne and the Abyss —The story of Satan’s opposition to Christ is portrayed in the visions of Revelation. Satan is cast out of Heaven to earth; thwarted in his battle plans; locked in the Abyss; thwarted in his battle plans again; cast into the lake of fire. What a demise for this fool Satan!
➤ The Splendid and the Atrocious —About a splendid and heavenly woman of great glory in chapter 12, and an atrocious and disgusting harlot who rides on the Dragon in chapter 17.
➤ No Night There —In the last two chapters of the book of Revelation, a vision of heaven is presented symbolically as a jewelled city of light and, “There will be no night there”.
➤ Christ in You the Hope of Glory (1) —Our Place in the Family of God. First of the three glorious privileges that our association with Jesus Christ bestows upon us to give substance and assurance to our hope.
➤ Christ In You the Hope of Glory (2) —The power God has put in us. The second of three glorious privileges we have in Christ.
➤ Jesus Crowned With Glory —In this lesson, we think about the Hebrew writer’s statement that Jesus Christ is “crowned with glory and honor” (Hebrews 2:9, Psalm 8:5-6).
➤ Christ Above —We continue to think about Jesus “crowned with glory and honor” (Hebrews 2:9, Psalm 8:5-6).
➤ The Glory of Solomon —The kingdom of Israel, in its earthly form, reaches its peak of glory. Solomon takes the throne of David. He builds the temple in Jerusalem. The kingdom is united, and very extensive reaching “from Dan to Beersheba.”
➤ Seven Goals in Grace (2Thessalonians 1) —An inspirational lesson in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1, joining the first five verses with the last two.
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