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➤ Facts About Ezra and Nehemiah —Here's a list of Bible facts about Ezra and Nehemiah of Old Testament fame.
➤ Return and Rebuilding —The rise of Medopersia to power ended the captivity of Jews in Babylonia. Led by Zerubbabel the Jews make their first return and attempt at rebuilding.
➤ Adventures of Ezra and Nehemiah —Well into the Medo-Persian rule, Artaxerxes is king of Persia. Ezra and Nehemiah lead the rebuilding, religious restoration, and resettling of the remnant in Jerusalem.
➤ Joshua Zechariah Zerubbabel —The prophet Zechariah, the highpriest Joshua, and the governer Zerubbabel, were involved in a symbolic ceremony, the meaning of which flatly contradicts premillennialism.
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