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➤ Jesus Changed My Heart SERIES —These lessons are about how wonderfully, radically, and positively Jesus changes our hearts and lives. There are also two trusty (not rusty) old sermons as a bonus.
➤ How Do You Believe? —Three stories in the Bible help us to distinguish three kinds of belief.
➤ Is the Human Spirit in God’s Image? —A true idea about the human soul —man’s spirit is made in the image of God.
➤ Is the Human Soul Immortal? —Another true idea about the spirit or soul of man —it is not subject to physical death.
➤ The Two Natures of Man —Man is a combination of two natures, not one, not three.
➤ The Heart of the Christian (Colossians) —Lesson from Colossians about what the heart of the Christian is like.
➤ The Fool (has said in his heart) —God reveals himself in four ways, and the Bible calls a fool anyone who says there is no God.
➤ Ignorance and Innocence —How does God view sins committed in ignorance? Does he deem a person innocent who sins without realising it?
➤ Hearts Open, Hearts Closed —Can anyone resist the grace of God? This Bible study answers that question as it relates to human nature and God’s will.
➤ Four Kinds of Sin —about four kinds of sin. These are sins of attitude, action, neglect, and intent.
➤ God's provisions for our minds (1Timothy 1:1-11) —God helps people live the Christian life by providing the training, discipline, information, and edification that is needed.
➤ The Gospel's Goal (1Timothy 1:5, 8-11) —The gospel is not fruitless like the speculations of false teachers. The gospel has a definite aim, and it hits its target.
➤ The Beatitudes (3) —The pure in heart, the peacemakers, and the persecuted.
➤ The Good Samaritan —The quality of heart portrayed in this parable is a heart of compassion, that sincerely and impartially loves fellow men, and through this loves God.
➤ Hearts Awry (Parables) —about the parables of the Two Debtors, the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, and Whitewashed Tombs.
➤ Solomon’s Sin and Sorrow —Factors behind Solomon’s sin and fall from glory: his excess, his disobedience, his neglect, and his several faults.
➤ Solomon’s Great Mistakes —We identify and list Solomon’s mistakes. However these are really but various forms of one single fault: disobedience. Solomon did not observe what the Lord had commanded (1Kings 11:10).
➤ Total Christianity —Head, heart, hands... Christianity, to be a valid and scriptural religion, must be holistic: balancing doctrine, spiritual experience, and dedicated service.
➤ The Greatest Commandment —A lesson of some depth. It's about love, law, and faith, and it may surprise you.
➤ Burning —Three ways in which Christians burn within - conviction, outrage, and temptation.
➤ God's Law in Your Heart —Notices that when promising the new covenant, God said, “I will put my law within them and on their heart I will write it...” (Jeremiah 31:31-33). Why is the heart the place where God’s law must be?
➤ Natural Law —We think about creation, instinct, and conscience to see whether people can, by these, know God’s law naturally without divine revelation.
➤ Five Wills —Provides a study of the various wills that interact and influence life and circumstance.
➤ Prayer and God's Will —Answer to prayer involves God’s revealed will, his unrevealed will, the will of Satan, and man’s free will.
➤ Sweet Will of God —God has willed that all obey his decrees, that all repent of sin, that Christ die for all.
➤ Why Did Adam and Eve Disobey God? —When we consider the sin committed by the first two humans, we are bound to ask, “Why did Adam and Eve disobey God? Why did they eat the fruit God had forbidden?” The answer is a combination of three things: decision, deceit, and desire.
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