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❖ JUDAH —The name Judah can refer to (1) Judah the man, one of Jacob’s twelve sons; (2) Judah the tribe, the descendants of Judah. (3) Judah the territory or land alotted to the tribe, and (4) Judah the kingdom consisting of two tribes (Judah and Benjamin) left to the throne in Jerusalem after the kingdom of Israel divided."
➤ Apportionment of Israel’s Territories —A list of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel) and of the tribal lands east of Jordan, west of Jordan, and other apportionments. Chapters in Josha cited. Map included.
➤ Bible Kings and Prophets Chart —A chart listing side by side the kings of Israel, kings of Judah, and the prophets.
➤ The Kingdom Divided —Ten tribes rebelled against Solomon, and a second kingdom was formed with Solomon’s servant Jeroboam as king. This kingdom was apostate.
➤ Josiah, Judah’s Good King —The son and grandson of good king Hezekiah made Judah more idolatrous than the pagans who had previously occupied the land. Yet Hezekiah’s great grandson Josiah lived even more righteously than Hezekiah himself. (Lesson includes item on “Law of Moses” versus “Law of the Lord”.)
➤ Captivity of Judah —It is the southern kingdom of Judah’s turn to be deported from their own land into exile in a foreign country. God’s instrument in this punishment is Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
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