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❖ WORD —The Greek for “word” is λογος (logos, Strong’s 3056). It can mean something said, news item, statement, explanation, report, message, discourse, etc. John gives it a special meaning, using Logos as a name for Jesus Christ who is the embodiment of God’s word (John 1:1,14).
➤ Glossary —Active word list for simplybible.com’s glossary (a special set of word studies)
➤ Verses About the Word of God —A List of Bible verses about God's Word. Just a neat simple list for reference.
➤ Wonderful Words SERIES —A study of six technical words used in the gospel: Salvation, Justification, Sanctification, Reconciliation, Redemption, and Predestination.
➤ Bible Interpretation SERIES —These lessons address the principles of Bible interpretation, and how one derives authority for what is taught and done in the name of Christ.
➤ Hearing the Gospel —The first step to salvation is listening to God’s word.
➤ We Beheld His Glory —We discuss the human nature and the divine nature of Jesus Christ. We defend the traditional and orthodox view. A CHART is included, outlining and indexing the other five lessons in the “GLORY” series.
➤ The R in GLORY Jesus the Revealer —The PROCLAMATION of Jesus as the REVEALER who manifested God and preached the gospel of eternal life.
➤ The World, the Word, the Work, and the Worry —God wants us to perceive the world as it really is, not what it pretends to be. God gives us his word which enlightens us, and his work of spreading the word. The worry is that people won't listen.
➤ Ten Deep Things John 1:1-17 —The first 17 verses of John’s account of Jesus, point to ten deep things. They are listed with a brief comment on each. Presented in two parts. This is PART 1.
➤ Ten Deep Things John 1:1-17 —The first 17 verses of John’s account of Jesus, point to ten deep things. They are listed with a brief comment on each. Presented in two parts. This is PART 2
➤ The Spirit Works With the Word —Compares scripture with scripture regarding the Spirit and the word. The Holy Spirit works through God’s word.
➤ The Hearing of Faith (Romans 10:16-18) —Faith is essential to salvation. But hearing God's word is essential to faith. You cannot just make up your own personal faith and truth from the thoughts you collect and the opinions you form. God's word must be conveyed to you from the inspired writings of the apostles of Christ who preached that word. (Romans 10:16-18).
➤ Scripture - The Main Way God Speaks —Comparing the advantages of the written word over oral revelation. We live in a time of “famine” regarding oral messages from the Lord, yet we have a feast spread before us in the sacred writings preserved for us.
➤ Handling the Word Aright (1) —The first three of six simple principles to help us interpret and understand the Bible properly.
➤ Handling the Word Aright (2) —The last three of six simple principles to help us interpret and understand the Bible properly.
➤ Book in Your Hands, Head on Your Shoulders —A study of reason and revelation, the relationship between our thoughts and divine thoughts, human judgment and scriptural authority.
➤ Is It Scriptural? —Many Christians wish to ensure that all they do and believe has the Lord’s authority. Here’s how.
➤ The Meaning of Words —Many arguments about what the Bible means only happen because people lose sight of certain simple principles.
➤ Words and Thoughts in Translation —What should a Bible translator convey primarily? The words of the original or the thoughts intended?
➤ Was God’s Word Fully Revealed? —Scripture chain lesson. Latter day revelations versus God’s revelation completed in the days of the apostles.
➤ The Seed that Man Sows —Watermelon seed will not produce pumpkin. The Bible says, 'Whatever seed a man sows in his garden, he shall eat the fruit that seed produces' (Galatians 6:7). There are many different churches, worshiping Christ in different fashions. Their teachings (the seeds they plant) are different too. But at the first Jesus made only one kind of church. At that time he gave one New Testament and joined it to the end of the Bible. It is the right and good seed today. (Lesson translated from Bislama).
➤ Paul's Reason to Write (1Timothy 3:14-15) —Paul hopes to see Timothy in person shortly, but in case not, he sends Timothy instruction about problems he may face in Paul's absence.
➤ The Word Shall Go Forth (Isaiah) —A lengthy study drawn from nine prophecies in Isaiah, quoted in the New Testament, predicting the gospel of Christ.
➤ John Chapter One —The gospel of John starts differently to the other gospels. John defines Christ’s status before he existed in this world. This lesson in John 1 shows seven ideas and seven claims about Jesus, under three main themes.
➤ Ready to Answer —about always being ready to give an answer for Jesus Christ (1Peter 3:15).
➤ Toktok blong tru God nomo —Yumi mas folem evri samting wanem Jisas i tijim long Nuitestamen blong Baebol. Yumi mas agensem ol samting we i no stret long toktok long buk ya, from buk ya i bin kamaot long Tru God long heven.
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