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Author: Ron Graham

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   The King on David’s Throne  —About God’s promise to David, “I will raise up your descendant after you... and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. Your house and your kingdom... and your throne shall be established forever” (2Samuel 7:12 13,16)

   We Beheld His Glory  —We discuss the human nature and the divine nature of Jesus Christ. We defend the traditional and orthodox view. A CHART is included, outlining and indexing the other five lessons in the “GLORY” series.

   The G in GLORY Jesus is God  —The POWER of Jesus as the GOD who created all things and for whom all things exist.

   Sabbath to Sunday?  —Many folk regard Sunday as the 'Christian Sabbath'. You may be surprised to learn that this is not so. However Sunday (the first day of the week) is the day on which Christians should meet for the Lord's Supper.

   Jesus is Lord Acts 2:36  —Jesus is not just one of many good teachers, or just one of many great Lights. He is the one Lord and the only sacrifice that can take away sins. No one else will do.

   What Shall I Do, Lord?  —Paul was travelling to Damascus to persecute Christians. Jesus confronted him. Paul yielded and asked, 'What shall I do Lord?' Paul switched to a personal commitment, an obedient response, and a loyal subjection.

   Why Do You Call Me Lord?  —When Jesus was preaching, he asked this revealing question of his audience. 'Why do you call me Lord, Lord, yet don't do what I say?' (Luke 6:46). Apparently there were people who paid lipservice to Jesus but did not obey him.

   Jesus Crowned With Glory  —In this lesson, we think about the Hebrew writer’s statement that Jesus Christ is “crowned with glory and honor” (Hebrews 2:9, Psalm 8:5-6).

   Christ Above  —We continue to think about Jesus “crowned with glory and honor” (Hebrews 2:9, Psalm 8:5-6).

   Do This in Remembrance of Me  —In this Bible study series called Remember it is appropriate that we include a lesson about the memorial Supper which Jesus instituted. This is a chart lesson based on 1Corinthians 11:20-34.

   The Mind of the Lord  —We look at two passages in Isaiah, and three references to these passages by Paul when he compares the mind of the Lord to the mind of man.

   Is Jesus Jehovah?  —In this lesson we ask whether Jesus has a right to God’s name —Jehovah or Yahweh.

   Forgiveness and the Lord’s supper  —Discusses whether the purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to receive forgiveness of sins like baptism.

   The Name Jehovah  —Supplementary notes on the special name of God, sometimes rendered yhwh, Jehovah, or Yahweh.

   I Never Knew You  —Jesus says something quite astounding: many people call him Lord but he doesn't know them and calls them workers of iniquity (Matthew 7:21-27).

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