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➤ Man and Woman SERIES —A collection of lessons concerning relationships between woman, man, and God. The series includes lessons relating to marriage.
➤ The Good Man Cornelius —One of the most interesting cases of conversion recorded in the Bible.
➤ We Who Are Strong —encourages us to grow out of weakness into strength. We look at the nine instances of asthenees (in various forms) in Romans, grouped under three headings.
➤ Paul That Amazing Man —Learning more about Paul, helps us better understand what he teaches. Here’s what we learn about him from Colossians.
➤ The Weaker Vessel —This phrase (in 1Peter 3:7) has been misunderstood, and some women have felt insulted by it. We need to clear that up and find out what manner of weakness Peter is referring to.
➤ Husband and Wife (Ephesians 5:22-33) —A verse by verse study about the ideal and godly relationship between husband and wife.
➤ Master of the House (Ephesians 6:1-9) —A verse by verse study about the Christian household and how its head ought to behave toward his family members, and they toward him.
➤ Shepherds Among the Sheep —Introduction to the series on elders and deacons. Includes a table of the scriptural terms for these offices.
➤ The Husband of One Wife —Examinies the qualification that a church shepherd must be the husband of one wife.
➤ The Unique One —In this lesson on John 1, we will look at what makes Jesus unique.
➤ The Men Among You —A challenging message to the church and its men, especially the younger men and their essential role.
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