—Processed: “Paul’s Journeys ”
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➤ Paul’s First Missionary Journey —An outline and short commentary of Paul’s first missionary journey between the two Antiochs (Acts 13 and 14).
➤ Paul’s Second Missionary Journey —An outline with maps of Paul’s second missionary journey from Syria to Macedonia and Greece (Acts 15:36 to 18:22).
➤ Paul’s Third Missionary Journey —An outline with maps of Paul's third missionary journey from Syria to Galatia, Macedonia, Greece, Ephesus and Jerusalem (Acts 18:23 to 21:22).
➤ Paul’s Fourth Journey (to Rome) —Paul’s journey from Jerusalem to Rome as a prisoner (Acts 21-28).
➤ Paul’s Trips to Visit Jerusalem —A summary with scripture references of Paul’s four recorded trips to Jerusalem.
➤ Setting the Record Straight —(Galatians 1:10 to 2:21) Paul answers misrepresentation and opposition by certain Jewish brethren who promote obedience to the law of Moses, and distinctions between Jew and Gentile.
➤ Acts Facts - Paul’s Journeys —Summary of the journeys and periods of the apostle Paul. Traditionally, Paul is said to have made three missionary journeys, plus a fourth journey to Rome.
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