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Author: Ron Graham

Simplybible Finder

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   Prophet Defined  —On certain technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. Each lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek and Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links to related lessons.

   Bible Facts About Ezekiel  —Here's a list of Bible facts about Ezekiel the prophet. We look at what the Bible reveals about the life and times of Ezekiel. Just a neat simple list for reference.

   Bible Kings and Prophets Chart  —A chart listing side by side the kings of Israel, kings of Judah, and the prophets.

   Ezekiel Outlines and Notes SERIES  —A series of outlines and notes from the 48 chapters of the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel’s enactments, prophecies, and visions explained.

   Isaiah Gleanings SERIES  —Background to Isaiah, New Testament quotes, and a map for Isaiah’s time. Also many lessons from Isaiah.

   Book of Revelation SERIES  —This index covers the outlines, overviews, introductory and core lessons on the Book of Revelation. The list includes lessons on the messages to the seven churches and the visions of Christ.

   The Last Days SERIES  —A basic introductory series about the times and events to which prophecy points. Companion to the series on Premillennialism, and the series on Preterism.

   Bible Interpretation SERIES  —These lessons address the principles of Bible interpretation, and how one derives authority for what is taught and done in the name of Christ.

   The Times of Israel SERIES  —A complete hyperlinked list (with synopses) of Old Testament lessons, in one of’s largest series.

   Spiritualizing Prophecy ~ Rainbow Principle  —A lesson answering common criticisms about spiritualizing prophecy. Explains what it means to spiritualize prophecy. God s rainbow promise is a paradigm or pattern. We use it to illustrate.

   Times and Seasons in Prophecy  —Lesson on symbolic periods in prophecy, especially the three-and-a-half symbol, a time, times, and half a time.

   A Time, Times, and Half a Time  —Lesson on symbolic periods in prophecy, especially a time, times, and half a time. Includes some information on the symbolic calendar of Bible prophecy.

   The Many Days of Daniel  —An analysis of the 1290 days and 1335 days in the book of Daniel. We relate them to the time, times, and half a time, and the three-and-a-half symbol in prophecy.

   Messianic Prophecies  —The Old Testament is valuable to Christians because its Messianic prophecies underpin the New Testament writings.

   Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus  —This page is a comprehensive reference on Old Testament Messianic prophecies.

   Three Things God’s Servant Does  —If you serve the Lord, I hope this Bible lesson will help your ministry to be true and fruitful.

   The Falling Away and False Teachers (1Timothy 4:1-6)  —When a church is established, there is a passion for the truth. In later times, however, there comes a falling away.

   Fads and Fables 1Timothy 4:7-11  —Fortunately in this confused world, flooded with all kinds of false religious teaching and superstition, there is an anchor, namely the gospel, to which we can fix our hope.

   Prophecies of Daniel  —In visions, Daniel foresaw the entire period from the Babylonian captivity until the Messiah came and established his kingdom throughout the world. God knew the future, and he would ensure that his plan unfolded over the centuries just as he willed.

   Newspaper Bible  —The premillennial view of end times relies on interpreting Bible prophecy as though it reads like, and foretells, what we read today in our newspapers and hear and see on our newscasts.

   Jigsaw Puzzle Bible  —The premillennial view of end times rests on interpreting Bible prophecy as though it’s a jigsaw puzzle —all in jumbled bits and pieces that have to be pieced together for a coherent picture to emerge.

   The Prophecy Clock  —Were prophecies about the restoration of Israel fulfilled by Messiah at his first coming, or has their fulfillment been postponed until his second coming?

   History and Daniel’s Seventy Weeks  —More Bible study about the seventy weeks of Daniel chapter 9.

   Why Harold Camping’s Prediction Failed  —Harold Camping of Family Radio predicted Judgment Day as May 21, 2011. Why was his failed prophecy false? We examine his three blunt tools.

   Ronald Weinland’s Dud Date  —Like Harold Camping who said that Christ would come in May 2011, Ronald Weinland purports to be a prophet who knows that Christ will come in May 2012. To be precise, May 27, 2012. OK, let's talk about waiting for Jesus.

   Was Jesus an Old Testament Prophet?  —Some represent Jesus as the last Old Testament prophet who, during his life, taught a different message than his apostles afterward taught.

   False Prophets  —This page is a study of Second Peter chapter two —comparable with Jude's letter. It’s about false prophets who lead people into heresy and apostasy.

   Impossibilities  —Supplementary Notes on the “literal” interpeting of prophecy and the impossibilities that can produce.

   Profet, Pris, King  —Jisas Kraes i stap haeman wetem haenem long trifala defren fasin ya. Nambawan i fasin blong profet. Nambatu i fasin blong pris. Nambatri i fasin blong king. Nao yumi tingbaot trifala samting ya.

   Trifala Spesel Hil  —Baebol i tokbaot sam hil we i stap long ol defren ples. Long disfala lesen, bambae yumi lukluk long trifala bigfala hil se, Maonten Ararat, Maonten Saenae, mo Maonten Saeon.

   Lessons About Apostasy

   Lessons on Prophecy

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