
The congregations of Christ greet you (Romans 16:16)

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Author: Ron Graham

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   Book of Revelation SERIES  —This index covers the outlines, overviews, introductory and core lessons on the Book of Revelation. The list includes lessons on the messages to the seven churches and the visions of Christ.

   Is Revelation a Book for You?  —Introductory lesson in the book of Revelation, looking at the benediction (Revelation 1:3) and how the book blesses its readers.

   The Relevance of Revelation  —We look at the salutaion or word of greeting in Revelation 1, because it indicates the relevance of the book for people today.

   Him Who Is, Was, and is To Come  —Introductory lesson in the book of Revelation, looking at the doxology (Revelation 1:4) describing Christ as “him who is, was and is to come”.

   Outline of Revelation  —An outline of the Book of Revelation as a useful guide to your study of the book. This outline shows you the structure of the book. Use this outline for reference as you study.

   Don't Skip Over the Title  —Before we advance in our our studies in the book of Revelation, we are going to step back to its very first words. These may be may be the most ignored words of the entire book.

   The Seven Spirits  —This lesson looks at the seven spirits mentioned in Revelation 1:4 in connection with the seven churches of Asia.

   What Were John’s Sources?  —When John wrote the book of Revelation, what were his sources? Is his book “apocalyptic literature?”

   John’s Seven Declarations  —We are looking at John’s prologue to the Book of Revelation. In this lesson, we consider the seven declarations that John makes about Jesus Christ. A verse by verse exposition of Revelation One, verses 5-7.

   Seven Powers of Christ  —We learn more about Christ in Revelation chapters 1-3. At least seven aspects of Christ’s power and authority may be noticed in these chapters, both in the first vision of Christ, and in the letters Christ has John write to the seven churches.

   Alpha and Omega - Jesus is God  —In the book of Revelation Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, shows himself to be God just like his Father.

   The Vision of Christ  —An Exposition of John’s first vision (Revelation 1) which is, appropriately, a vision of the glorified Christ.

   Christ Speaks to John  —Continuing the exposition of the Vision of Christ in Revelation One.

   Notes on Revelation 1  —Temporary page for jottings while the Revelation series is in progress.

   Notes on Revelation 2-3  —The messages to the seven churches (Revelation 2-3) all start with the same elements. The messages all end in a similar way too. Rather than clutter the commentary on each message with repetition, we treat these elements in this separate reference.

   Message to Ephesus  —(Revelation 2:1-7) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Message to Smyrna  —(Revelation 2:8-11) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Message to Pergamum  —(Revelation 2:12-17) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Message to Thyatira  —(Revelation 2:18-29) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Message to Sardis  —(Revelation 3:1-6) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Message to Philadelphia  —(Revelation 3:7-13) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Message to Laodicea  —(Revelation 3:14-22) A study of Christ’s message with a link to common notes on the seven messages.

   Spiritualizing Prophecy ~ Rainbow Principle  —A lesson answering common criticisms about spiritualizing prophecy. Explains what it means to spiritualize prophecy. God s rainbow promise is a paradigm or pattern. We use it to illustrate.

   The Elders Around the Throne  —(Revelation 4) Lesson on the first of seven scenes in heaven in the second vision that John saw.

   Four Living Creatures  —(Revelation 4) Study of the second of seven scenes in the second vision, a vision of heaven.

   The Scroll and the Lamb  —(Revelation 5) Third and fourth scenes of the vision of heaven.

   Songs of Heaven  —(Revelation 5) The last three of the seven scenes of the heavenly vision. These are all scenes in which songs of praise are sung in heaven.

   The White Horse (Revelation 6:1-8)  —The white horse and its rider stands for earthly rule and authority and dominion.

   The Red Horse (Revelation 6:1-8)  —The red horse and its rider with the sword, represents slaughter and bloodshed, people killing people.

   The Black Horse (Revelation 6:1-8)  —The black horse and its rider with the scales, represents commerce and the economic system with all of its problems such as corruption, poverty, debt, inflation, boom and bust, unemployment, financial loss, etc.

   The Pale Horse (Revelation 6:1-8)  —The pale horse and its rider leading Hades (the realm of the dead) represents death. Every human being is subject to death.

   Through Much Tribulation  —We have been studying the “four horses of the apocalypse” and the four horsemen who rode them. They represent typical tribulations that human beings must continue to suffer until the end of the world. One human being, because he is the very Son of God, can lead us through all tribulations, even death.

   Tribulation Principles  —Another study that helps us understand the troubles and suffering we go through. Outlines seven principles of tribulation.

   A Little Time  —What is the short time or little season (Revelation 6:9-11)?

   The Dragon's Short Time  —People will say that there are many great lights in the world. They are the teachers who have given the world great insights. That may be so, but when people count Jesus as one among the many, that is not true. He is the only Mediator between God and man (1Timothy 2:4-6).

   Three and a Half  —Another lesson about symbolic periods in prophecy, especially the three-and-a-half symbol.

   A Time Times and Half a Time  —This lesson is about symbolic periods in prophecy, especially the time, times, and half a time symbol as it relates to our tribulations.

   The Many Days of Daniel  —An interpretation of the days at the end of Daniel (Daniel 12:7-13) which are along similar lines to the days and times in Revelation.

   Vengeance and Wrath (Revelation 6:9-17)  —We consider two visions, each portraying the Christian or gospel age and the day of God’s wrath at the end.

   The Multitude Saved (Revelation 7:1-17)  —As a counterpoint to the previous vision, John sees the multitude of those saved from God’s wrath.

   The Silence in Heaven (Revelation 8:1-5)  —A study of the vision given to John about the four tribulations that followed a silence in heaven (Rev 8).

   The Four Scourges (Revelation 8:6-13)  —A study about the vision in which John hears a silence in heaven and sees prayers ascending to God from his saints (Rev 8).

   Locusts Like Scorpions (Revelation 9:3-12)  —The creatures that John calls locusts were strange indeed. They had a sting in their tails like scorpions, and a few other surprises.

   Four Killer Angels (Revelation 9:13-21)  —The vision of the four angels released at the river Euphrates to go and kill.

   The Little Book (Revelation 10:1-11)  —(Revelation 10:1-11) The angel tells John to eat a little book which would taste sweet in his mouth, but become bitter in his stomach.

   The Two Witnesses Prophesy (Revelation 11:1-6)  —(Revelation 11:1-6) They signify the oaths God himself swore that Christ would have two anointings... king and high priest.

   The Two Witnesses are Killed (Revelation 11:7-14)  —(Revelation 11:7-14) The death, resurrection, and ascension of the two witnesses.

   The Eternal Kingdom (Revelation 11:14-19)  —(Revelation 11:14-19) A vision of the saints entering the eternal kingdom on the great day of God’s judgment and wrath.

   Satan the Failure (Revelation 12:1-17)  —A very strong theme in the Book of Revelation is the frustration of Satan. The story of his failures is told in the visions in chapter 12.

   The Three Beasts  —About the Dragon, the Beast, the False prophet —the three Beasts in Revelation 12-13.

   The Splendid and the Atrocious  —About a splendid and heavenly woman of great glory in chapter 12, and an atrocious and disgusting harlot who rides on the Dragon in chapter 17.

   The Beast From the Sea (Revelation 13:1-10)  —An Exposition of Revelation 13:1-10. The leopard-like beast with ten horns and seven heads serves the dragon. He blasphemes against God and heaven, and leads the whole world into evil. He makes war against the saints.

   The Beast From the Earth (Revelation 13:11-17)  —An Exposition of Revelation 13:11-17. Another beast rises up to make a threesome. He serves the dragon and the beast from the sea. He is a false prophet who deceives or coerces people into idolatry, and into being marked with evil.

   The Number of the Beast (Revelation 13:18)  —Jesus is not just one of many good teachers, or just one of many great Lights. He is the one Lord and the only sacrifice that can take away sins. No one else will do.

   The Lamb and his First Fruits (Revelation 14:1-5)  —An Exposition of Revelation 14:1-5. In contrast to the antichristian kingdom of the Beast whose subjects have the mark of his name upon them, John now has a vision of the kingdom of Christ the Lamb. His 144,000 followers have the mark of another name upon them, the name of Christ and his Father.

   Three Angelic Messengers (Revelation 14:6-13)  —An Exposition of Revelation 14:6-13. Three angels fly through the sky calling out their messages. One brings the gospel and a call to worship God. The second brings an announcement of the fall of Babylon. The third warns of the wrath of God upon all who worship the Beast and have his mark upon them.

   The Two Reapers (Revelation 14:14-20)  —An Exposition of Revelation 14:14-20. John sees a vision of two reapers. One is like the Son of Man. He reaps from the earth what is his. Another angel then comes to reap the clusters of grapes that remain. He casts them into the winepress of the wrath of God.

   Scenes in Heaven  —An exposition of the scenes in heaven, the vision recorded in Revelation 15:1-8 in which heavenly singers praise God, the sanctuary of the temple is opened, and the seven angels are given the bowls of wrath for the Last Judgment.

   Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath  —An exposition of the vision of the Bowls of God’s Wrath in Revelation 16:1-21. This is another vision about the Great Day of God and God’s judgment and punishment of the wicked. Behind this vision of doom, there is good news.

   Mother of Harlots  —An Exposition of Revelation 17. John sees an abominable woman, the Mother of Harlots, sitting on a scarlet beast. She signifies the great city that rules over the kings of the earth. Her name in the vision is Mystery, Babylon. She is seen drunk with the blood of the saints.

   An Angel Explains  —An Angel gives some guidelines to John, to help him comprehend the meaning of the judgment visions that he has been seeing and will continue to see, about the beasts and the kingdoms they signify.

   Satan the Loser  —When Jesus returns it will be a marvellous day for his saints. All who believed will enter the glory of God's eternal kingdom. But God's righteous judgment does not end there. Those who did not obey the gospel and those who afflicted his saints, will be repaid with affliction (2Thessalonians 1:5-10).

   The Anti-Christian Kingdom  —In the Bible, the church is not a place to be entertained. The church is “the pillar and ground of the truth.” We should look to God’s church to hear and receive God’s truth, not psychological hype or human idealism.

   The Great Day of God  —This is one of the great themes of the visions which John recorded in the book of Revelation.

   Woe Songs to Babylon (Revelation 18:1-24)  —An Exposition of Revelation 18:1-24. Our studies in the book of Revelation now come to chapter 18 where John hears six woe songs about the fall of Babylon.

   The Seventh Song (Revelation 19:1-10)  —The Seventh Song Revelation 19:1-10. During this song, John is caught up in vision again to the throne of heaven.

   The King in His Glory (Revelation 19:11-21)  —John sees a vision of a rider on a white horse who has wonderful names and is too powerful for his enemies to even begin their battle with him (Revelation 19:11-21)

   The Battle of Armageddon  —Many will agree with Paul that faith precedes coming into Christ and into sonship with God. It is hard, however, to find anyone who will agree with Paul that baptism precedes being clothed with Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). That is something that people find hard to hear.

   The Second Death  —James's message is not against doing business, but against the arrogance of thinking you are in control of your life. God is in control, not you. He can allow your business to fail, and even your life to disappear, when you least expect it (James 4:13-17).

   The Binding of Satan 1000 Years  —(Revelation 20:1-10) A vision that covers a broad sweep of time on earth —the time between the ascension and second coming of Christ. The focus is on the binding of Satan during the reign of Christ. The climax is the demise of Satan who gets out of the frying pan into the fire.

   The Throne and the Books  —Some preach only love, grace, hope, comfort, peace, and suchlike. They preach only what is positive to make people feel good. But we must also reprove and rebuke. We must do so in patience and truth, yet we must do so nevertheless (2Timothy 4:2).

   The City and a Crown  —Faith is essential to salvation. But hearing God’s word is essential to faith. You cannot just make up your own personal faith and truth. God's word must be conveyed to you from the inspired writings of the apostles of Christ who preached that word.

   The Light of Christ  —(Revelation 21) Heaven is a place of eternal light and no darkness at all. In that place the light of God and his Son will shine forever.

   No Night There  —In the last two chapters of the book of Revelation, a vision of heaven is presented symbolically as a jewelled city of light and, “There will be no night there”.

   The Bride, the Lamb’s Wife

   All Things Made New  —(Revelation 21:1-8) This old world passes away, but Jesus has prepared a bright new world in heaven, a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

   The Heavenly Jerusalem  —(Revelation 21:9-27) A vision of the glorious city that John had seen come down from heaven into the new heavens and the new earth. This jewelled city of light is the climax of the book of Revelation.

   The Heavenly Eden  —(Revelation 22:1-2) At the end of the Bible there is a counterpart to the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the Bible. This new Eden is the final vision that John saw.

   In God’s Very Presence  —(Revelation 22:3-5) We continue to study the vision of the new Eden, the final vision that John saw and recorded in the book of Revelation.

   The Last Words of Jesus  —(Revelation 22:6-21) We complete our studies in the book of Revelation by looking at the final words of Jesus recorded in the Bible.

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