
The congregations of Christ greet you (Romans 16:16)

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Author: Ron Graham

Simplybible Finder

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   Events at the Last Day  —One last day for this world. We don't know when, but we do know of seven main events of that day.

   Miracles SERIES  —A collection of studies dealing with miracles, miraculous signs and powers, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

   Of What is Baptism a Sign?  —It is said that baptism is an outward sign of inward grace, a sign that the Holy Spirit has quickened the heart, implanted faith, and granted salvation. Is this true?

   False Expectations  —God’s promises to answer our prayers and make all things work together for good. But don’t misunderstand this, or you’ll be disappointed.

   Mother of Harlots  —An Exposition of Revelation 17. John sees an abominable woman, the Mother of Harlots, sitting on a scarlet beast. She signifies the great city that rules over the kings of the earth. Her name in the vision is Mystery, Babylon. She is seen drunk with the blood of the saints.

   The Torn Curtain  —One of the signs which accompanied Christ’s sacrificial death, took place in the inner sanctum of the house of animal sacrifice: “Behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” (Matthew 27:51)

   An Allegory Explained  —(Galatians 4:21-31) To show the significance of events surrounding God’s promise to Abraham, and to show that the law of Moses has been abolished, Paul walks us through the allegorical meaning of the true story of Hagar and Sarah.

   Signs Following (Tract)  —about the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, who received them and why.

   Don't You Remember?  —Jesus asked his disciples if they remembered how many baskets full of scraps were left after he had fed the 5000 with five loaves, and the 4000 with seven loaves. They remembered the facts about the scraps, but they neither perceived nor understood the deep meaning and implications of the signs.

   Acts 3:1-11  —A verse by verse study of Acts 3:1-11. These verses describe the healing of the man born lame, a miracle Peter and John did at the temple gate.

   Signs of the Times  —Jesus chided the religious leaders of his day, because they could read the weather in the sky, but they couldn't see the signs of a different and far more important “storm” building up: a storm of hatred against Jesus God’s Son (Matthew 16:1-4).

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